Saturday, August 17, 2013



This might come in handy someday. At one time or another we all experience A mess with a permanent marker

Clothes – Hand sanitizer
Walls – Toothpaste or hairspray*
Carpet – White vinegar
Wood – Rubbing alcohol
Dry Erase Board- Dry erase marker

Hairspray is good for getting all kinds of ink out of clothing. White vinegar & rubbing alcohol clean just about everything if you're allergic like I am to all the chemicals in most cleaning products. White vinegar & vanilla remove smoke odors.
***Don’t scrub too hard with hairspray, you don’t want to remove the paint!

Grow Your Nails, Care and Tips

All of my life I have had long beautiful natural Nails, I took care of them and they just seem to Grow Grow Grow, even though I am rough on my nails. Then I decided I wanted the thick Acrylic Nails over My Nails for the added protection and because the polish or finish lasts forever, so I started getting them done. I have been getting my nails done for the past several years, about every 3 weeks and finally one day I decided No More Acrylics, Gels or Tips added over my nails, it was time to rest my nails. Well I have had a heck of a time getting them to grow back out naturally the way they used to be. So Now I am working at getting them back to the shape they were in before I went to the salons, and I'm finding it's a lot harder now than it used to be. 

All of us will suffer form weak nails eventually. It’s important to know how to strengthen your weak nails so that they can grow back into their strong and healthy condition. Wanting great nails will come from receiving the right nutrition and taking care of them correctly. Follow these techniques so that you can obtain perfect,healthy beautiful nails.

1. Use Skin Cream

Using skin cream is a great way to improve your weak nails. You should be massaging this into your nails a couple of times a day. Do it after you've showered and before you go to bed. You should also consider applying it twice as often during the winter when the weather is much colder.

2. Nail Cover-Up’s

One of the best things that you can do for weak nails is going to protect them from further damage. If you are dealing with chemicals, detergent or you are doing a lot of activities outside you should always wear gloves. While you are washing dishes you’ll want to apply some cream and then put the protective gloves on afterwards. The heat is also going to help your skin absorb the cream and the gloves will protect them from drying out or tearing.

3. Use your Nails Correctly

Make sure that you are not using your nails as tools. Use the tools for that! If you are prone to splitting then you should avoid opening up any bottles with your nails.

4. Adopt Manicure Techniques

A great way to improve the strength in your weak nails is by using the right manicure techniques for them. First off you’re going to want to start with a quality file, not a cardboard one. Use a glass file instead and it’s going to seal the keratin into your nails. File them from the center and make sure that you file them the right way instead of filing in opposite directions.

5. Avoid too much Washing

Make sure that you are washing your hands very frequently so that you can strengthen your nails. Whenever you can you will want to avoid washing your hands too much. If the work that you do involves you washing your hands in water, make sure that you are using your gloves to protect both your nails and your hands.

6. Use Nail Hardener

There are many products out on the market today that claim that they can fix weak nails and strengthen them. Although some of them may work, not all of them do. When you are choosing your product you will want to avoid products that have the chemical formaldehyde. This is a damaging chemical which can actually dry your nails out even more and expose them to toxic chemicals. Make sure that the nail hardener you choose is free of this chemical so that you are improving your nails more than you are weakening them. If you follow these steps you’ll be amazed as to how quickly your nails improve health wise.

Friday, August 16, 2013

DIY: Criss-Cross Headband

Having a bad hair day, or need to wash and condition but just don't have time or feel like it but need to run? well here is something cute you can do today to keep that hair all together, you can always use a scarf or any other long strip of fabric. What is more – there is a great diversity of patterns, which you can combine with your outfit. Here is a nice and quick idea, which will make you look great.
I thought this was a cool idea and I have some fabric left from some of my outfits I sew, it will also look cute on children and I know I have several fabrics left over from some of my grandkids clothes to do this with.
Choose a pattern you love (it will be best if the fabric is stretchy, by the way) and lets get to work.
Place the middle of the fabric at your neck`s base, cross it and then cross it once again. All you need to do from now on is to tie the fabric`s ends at the back and you are ready to go!
This criss-cross style will add some accent to your  perfect fit and it will not go unnoticed. Although there are ready-made criss-cross bands, making your own always have advantages like you can choose the pattern and the material, as well as you can adjust it to fir perfectly to your head`s shape.
Criss Cross



thanks to for good tips; so I had to share here, I will add more as I find them, and you can send me some to add here as well.

keeping food fresh

The average household tosses out 14% of the food they buy, according to Money magazine. For the typical family, that’s over $1,300 a year! I don’t know about you, but I’d MUCH rather spend that kind of money on a getaway with my family…not throwing it in the trash!
Fortunately, a lot of that waste can be avoided by learning how to properly store your food to keep it fresh longer!
Making your food last longer will help you to avoid waste, shop less and cut your grocery-shopping bill.
Since most of the food that we throw away is refrigerated I thought it would be a good idea to research how we should be organizing the food we put in it. The below is is a GUIDELINE of what should be stored where for optimum freshness.
keeping food fresh
Top Shelf – The top shelf is the warmest part of the fridge compartment and best for pre-prepared foods such as yogurt, cheese and sauces. Store cooked meat and leftovers in sealed containers on the shelves underneath. If there’s space, keep milk here too – it’ll keep for longer than it would in the door rack where it’s warmed by hot air whenever the door is opened.
Bottom shelf – This is the coldest part of the fridge, so keep raw meat, fish and poultry in its sealed packaging, or place it in sealed containers and store on the bottom shelf. Plus there’s less risk of raw juices dripping onto ready-to-eat foods.
Salad crisper drawer – Store fruit and vegetables in the salad crisper drawer. Some come with humidity controls to retain moisture which will help certain vegetables, such as lettuce, cucumber, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, carrots and leafy veg, last longer.
Door racks – The temperature in the door racks can fluctuate because they’re exposed to the warm air of the kitchen when the door is opened. The door racks are a good place for condiments, jam and fruit juice. A lidded compartment is ideal for keeping butter and margarine extra cold.
Cooperative Extension, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, the University of Arizona
Be sure to store the eggs in the carton in the main part of the refrigerator. It is not a good idea to store raw eggs in the door of the refrigerator.

keeping food fresh


Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
  • Line the bottom of your refrigerator’s crisper drawer with paper towels. They’ll absorb the excess moisture that causes veggies to rot.
  • Wash berries in water with just a bit of vinegar before popping them into the fridge.  Berries (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) should be stored in their plastic container or a resealable plastic bag in the back of the refrigerator.
  • Lettuce needs moisture to stay fresh and will quickly wilt if it dehydrates. Wrap lettuce in damp paper towels and store in a plastic bag. If salad greens begin to wilt, soak them in ice water to crisp them up before fixing a salad.
  • To keep fresh celery, carrots and radishes around at all times, chop them and store them in water in the fridge, which keeps them crisp for a surprisingly long time.
  • Prevent mushrooms from getting slimy by wrapping them in paper towels before refrigerating.
  • Roast slices or chunks of about-to-go-bad tomatoes, then store them in olive oil in the fridge, where they’ll keep for about a week.
  • After trimming the ends, store kale, collards and Swiss chard in the fridge in a glass of water with a loose bag over the top.
  • Rub whole summer and winter squash with vegetable oil and store them in the pantry, where they’ll last for several months.
  • Keep apples away from other foods. Apples give off ethylene gas, which can cause foods to spoil. If they get too soft, just cook them!
  • Avoid separating bananas until you plan to eat them – they spoil less quickly in a bunch. Store bananas at room temperature until they ripen. Freeze over-ripened bananas for use in banana bread and other baked goods.
  • Triple the life of scallions by storing them in a jar of water on the counter. The green onions will keep growing as you snip the tips for fresh eating.
  • Asparagus will last longer if its thick ends sit in cold water.
  • Do not store garlic in a sealed container. Fresh bulbs can be stored in a wire or mesh basket or even a paper bag.
  • Store avocadoes unbagged in the refrigerator.

 keeping food fresh
Meat, Fish and Eggs
  • Store eggs in their original carton. If you’re unsure of an egg’s freshness, see how it behaves in a cup of water: Fresh eggs sink; bad ones float.
  • Meat & poultry should be kept in its original package if you’ll use it within 2 days. (Re-wrapping increases the risk of exposing the food to harmful bacteria.) Otherwise, wrap it in foil and freeze. Wrap smoked meats (bacon, ham, etc.) in a vinegar soaked cloth then in wax paper and store in the fridge. Bacon can be frozen for up to a month.
  • Fish should be kept in a bag on top of a bowl of ice and eaten as soon as possible. You can also freeze fish or broil it and store in the fridge.

keeping food fresh
Bread and Cereal Products
  • Freeze flour for 48 hours to kill any insect eggs that might be present. Then, place in a tight-sealing container; and store in a cool, dry spot away from sunlight.
  • To help ward off weevils, try slipping a bay leaf into your storage container. The scent of the bay leave will help repel the bugs.
  • Contrary to popular belief, storing bread in the refrigerator actually makes it spoil more quickly. Your best bet is to store bread on the kitchen counter in a tightly sealed bag or container.
  • Avoid tossing stale snacks, pasta, half-empty bags of cereal, pretzels and other dry foods by transferring into air-tight containers after opening the original packaging. Mason jars make great air-tight pantry storage.
  • To revive day-old muffins, sprinkle them with water, place in a paper bag, and pop in a hot oven for five to 10 minutes. The steam created by the water will restore moisture.

keeping food fresh
Dairy Products and Cheese
  • Keep milk in the main part of the fridge compartment if you have the space. When milk is stored in the door rack it’s warmed by the ambient air of the kitchen whenever the fridge door is opened.
  • Make sure to wrap all cheese securely in wax paper or cheese paper before storing it in the refrigerator, which allows it to breathe without letting in excess moisture or odors from your fridge. You can also rub butter on the cut parts of hard cheeses to prevent them from drying out. You can also freeze cheese!
  • In order to make cottage cheese or sour cream last longer, place the container upside down in the fridge. Inverting the tub creates a vacuum that inhibits the growth of bacteria that causes food to spoil.
  • Store butter in its original packaging. Stock up on butter when it’s on sale – you can store it in the freezer for up to six months. Pack the butter in an airtight container, so it doesn’t take on the flavor of whatever else you’re freezing.

keeping food fresh
  • Store coffee in an airtight, opaque container to preserver flavor and freshness. Buy coffee in whole bean form and grind enough for one pot at a time. If you buy more coffee than you can use in 3-4 days, store in an airtight container in the freezer.
  • Anybody that lives in the south where the humidity is particularly high probably has had their salt shakers clog up. If you put a little bit of dry rice in the shaker it will stop the salt from hardening.
  • Honey is the only nonperishable food substance, so don’t get rid of the stuff if it crystallizes or becomes cloudy. Microwave on medium heat, in 30-second increments, to make honey clear again.
  • The best way to keep herbs fresh is to by storing them in whole bunches. First wash them, then seal them in zip lock bags and place them in the freezer. Storing them this way should keep them at peak freshness for up to a month. When you are ready to use them, you’ll find they are actually easier to chop frozen – and they’ll defrost in a hurry once you toss them into a hot pan.
  • Keeping brown sugar in the freezer will stop it from hardening. But if you already have hardened sugar on your shelf, soften it by sealing in a bag with a slice of fresh bread or an apple – or by microwaving on high for 30 seconds.

keeping food fresh


  • Keep your refrigerator at the right temperature. It should be kept between 38 and 40 F. to keep your foods as fresh as possible without freezing them.
  • Keep your eye on expiration dates when you shop.
  • Grow your own food! If you can’t eat it all yourself, pass it along to friends, family or your local food bank. Even if you fail to harvest the complete crop at its peak, it can still be fed to the chickens or composted so it doesn’t really go to waste.
  • Buy locally. If you can grow them yourself, the next best option is locally grown produce. It lasts much longer than supermarket fare, which has already traveled long distances before it gets to your kitchen.
  • Plan meals in order of what needs to be used up first.
  • Keeping in mind the specific ways you like to eat it, clean and prep fresh food as soon as you get it into the kitchen, making it much less likely you’ll let it spoil.



natural pest control

I have had SO many people asking me through email and Facebook lately about how to keep pesky pests at bay this summer….I decided it was time for a full on ATTACK!
First of all…..the BEST best way to control pests is to not invite them inside in the first place. Most bugs are attracted to food and water, so keeping your kitchen clean, taking out the garbage regularly, and storing food and drinks in tight containers will deter most insects, and other pests. Removing water sources will also go a long way towards solving your bug problem, as will sealing off their point of entry.

natural pest control
The PEST I have had the most questions/concerns raised about is ANTS!  For being such a TINY little thing…ants sure can be a nuisance!!!  Here are some tips to keep them out of your house and away from your picnics!


Keep your kitchen counters free of crumbs and sticky spots, cover the sugar and honey jar. Wiping down surfaces can go a long way toward keeping your home pest free!

natural pest control
Set out cucumber peels or slices in the kitchen or at the ants’ point of entry. Many ants have a natural aversion to cucumber.
Leave a few tea bags of mint tea near areas where the ants seem most active.
Trace the ant column back to their point of entry. Set any of the following items at the entry area in a small line, which ants will not cross: cayenne pepper, citrus oil (can be soaked into a piece of string), lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds.
Leave a small, night light on for a few nights in the area of most ant activity. The change in light can disrupt and discourage their foraging patterns.
If ants are attacking your pets’ food bowls, clean the floor thoroughly with hot, soapy water to eliminate the ants’ trail, then keep them from finding the food dish again by placing the food bowl into a shallow pan of soapy water.

natural pest control
Diatomacious Earth (often referred to as “DE”) is a talc-like powder that is the fossilized remains of marine phytoplankton. When sprinkled on a bug the fine powder absorbs lipids from the waxy outer layer of insects’ exoskeletons, causing them to dehydrate.
Put small piles of cornmeal where you see ants. They eat it, take it ‘home,’ can’t digest it, and expire. It may take a week or so, especially if it rains, but it works and you don’t have the worry about pets or small children being harmed!

natural pest control
Dissolve 1 teaspoon of boric acid and 6 tablespoons of sugar in 2 cups of water. Soak cotton balls in this bait solution. (Boric acid is a low-toxicity mineral, but do keep it away from children and pets because it can cause skin, mouth, stomach, and eye irritation.)
Place one or two cotton balls on an inverted jar lid and saturate with the mixture.
Place the jar lids along ant trails or where ants have been seen.
Replenish the liquid as it dries until the ants are gone.
Be patient! The key is to get worker ants to continually carry low doses of boric acid back to feed the ants in their nest.

natural pest control


Mosquitos are most active in the early morning and early evening. They seek areas of still air because they are hampered by breezes. Close windows and doors on the side of your house which are opposite the breeze.
The most important measure you can take is to remove standing water sources. Change birdbaths, wading pools and pet’s water bowl twice a week. Keep your house gutters clean and well-draining. Remove yard items that collect water.
Ants leave a scented trail so other ants can find their way to food. Routinely wash away these invisible trails with a vinegar-based cleanser made from 1⁄4 cup vinegar, 2 cups water and 10 to 15 drops of peppermintcloveeucalyptus or tea tree essential oil.

natural pest control
If you’re using the barbeque, throw a bit of sage or rosemary on the coals to repel mosquitos.
An effective natural bug repellent, mix one part garlic juice with 5 parts water in a small spray bottle. Shake well before using. Spray lightly on exposed body parts for an effective repellent lasting up to 5 – 6 hours. Strips of cotton cloth can also be dipped in this mixture and hung in areas, such as patios, as a localized deterrent.

natural pest control
Some bat species can eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes in an hour! You can attract these beneficial bug eaters by installing a bat house in your yard.
Neem oil is a natural vegetable oil extracted from the Neem tree in India. The leaves, seeds and seed oil of the Neem tree contain sallanin, a compound which has effective mosquito repelling properties. Neem oil is a natural product and is safe to use. Just add a few drops of oil to your favorite lotion and apply the mixture to your body.

natural pest control
Plant some catnip (Nepeta cataria) in your garden; not only will it repel mosquitoes, but you’ll get some pretty flowers, too. Other mosquito-repelling plants include rosemary, marigolds, citronella grass, and lemon balm.
Make your own mosquito-repelling candles using a mixture of essential oils and melted wax. A good rule of thumb is to use about 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce of essential oil per pound of wax.
Here are some good mosquito-repelling essential oil blends to add to your candles from
Recipe #1 – Simple and Spicy
5 parts Citronella
5 parts Lavender
5 parts Clove
Recipe #2 – Bright and Energetic
5 parts Citronella
5 parts Lavender
5 parts Peppermint
Recipe #3 – Deep and Green
10 parts Citronella
10 parts Cedarwood
5 parts Eucalyptus
5 parts Rosemary
For a DIY mosquito repellent, you’ll need essential oil and something to mix it with, like vodka, olive oil, or witch hazel. For best results, combine a few different essential oils such as lemon eucalyptuscitronellacinnamoncedarwood, and juniper.

natural pest control
Common sense is as good a guide as any. To avoid getting bitten by mosquitoes, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts, a hat or scarf. Use window and door screens and put mosquito netting over infant carriages or strollers
Nutritionally, you can drink a tablespoon or two of organic apple cider vinegar and eat lots of garlic.Vitamin B1 taken daily is also supposed to help repel insects.

natural pest control


Place sachets made from small squares of cheesecloth and filled with crushed mint, bay leaf, clove or eucalyptus around the house to repel flies.
Mix 1⁄4 cup corn syrup, 1 tablespoon granulated sugar and 1 tablespoon brown sugar in a small bowl. Cut strips of brown kraft paper and soak in the sugar mixture. Let dry overnight. To hang, poke a small hole at the top of each strip and hang with string.

natural pest control
Plant sweet basil next to the doors, or plant in containers. The flies will stay far away.
Cut a nice size bunch of it to take with you when you go on picnics. As an added bonus, mosquitoes don’t like it either.
For creating a fly-free area, apply eucalyptus essential oil to a small cloth or rag and leave it in an area plagued by flies.

natural pest control


Place a few drops of peppermint essential oil into a spray bottle. Add a squirt of liquid detergent and fill the bottle with water. Spray the mixture on cobwebs, around doors and windows, around the lawn and garden and on any surfaces where spiders lurk. In addition to having a pleasant aroma, this mixture is nontoxic and safe to use around children and pets.
The combination of coconut oil and white vinegar also makes an effective spray for repelling spiders. As oils may stain or cause spots, test the mixture on a small, hidden area of carpets, curtains or upholstered furniture.

natural pest control
Spiders taste through their feet, and in addition to peppermint…..they do not like the taste of citrus which includes lemonlime and orange. Although it will not kill them, it will make them avoid places where they can “taste” them. Always purchase real essential oils and not synthetic versions.
Spiders thrive in dark, cluttered places, so keep stacks of debris, woodpiles and thick plant growth away from the sides of the house. The fewer places spiders can easily inhabit, the more effectively they can be repelled.
Seal cracks in the foundation and close gaps in windows or beneath doorways to deny spiders access to the premises.

And last but not least….an all natural homemade insect repellent that should help out with all of the above!


natural pest control
Homemade Insect Repellent Recipe
8 oz apple cider vinegar, witch hazel, or vodka
45 drops Peppermint Essential Oil
15 drops Lemon or Wild Orange Essential Oil
Mix ingredients in a spray bottle and apply liberally. Store in the fridge when not in use. Should last 2-3 months.

Potpourri Sachet Ornaments

Found this somewhere awhile back and I was thinking they would make beautiful potpourri sachets as well as ornaments. You could do them for Christmas but also would be good as gifts for bathrooms and bedroom scented decorations, don't you agree?

No Sew Quilted ChristmasOrnament

You will need:

Three toning fabrics
Pins... lots of pins as these are our secret weapon
Rotary cutter, ruler and mat
3" polystyrene ball

Cut your fabric into 3" squares, 8 squares for the top of your ball and then two lots of 16 for the second and third row. Split into two piles of four top squares and eight each of the other fabrics.

Now I believe you did not know that you could press fabric with your fingers? Well that is what we are going to do next, we need to find the centre point of the square, you can do this by just folding the fabric in half along each side or if you are feeling flash across the diagonal.
Determine where the top of your ball is, put a pin in the centre of the wrong side of your fabric and stab it into the top of your ball.

Fold it into a triangle (your pin will be in the centre of its longest side), pin the top of the triangle down

Now fold over the left point and then the right into centre and pin it down to create a diamond shape, pin the each of the sides into the ball.

Repeat it three more times to create a square.

For the next layer, pin the first triangle 5/8" down and in between your diamonds...

I used the end of a tape measure to place the pin, repeat the folds as you did for the first layer for four diamonds. Now if you are frugal like me, you will notice that often diamonds overlap so capture two sides with one pin.

Now, we are going to in fill between these diamonds by putting the pin in between the fold of the first row of diamonds and working the diamonds as you did before... if your fingers are feeling a bit sore then use a thimble to help you press the pins home, especially when you are working through so many layers of fabric.

On the third layer, I decided that rather than make each layer the same size, I would use the second row, just to outline a star. For the third row, you repeat what you did for the second row but instead of coming down 5/8" just come down 1/4".

When you have completed the top half, turn the ball over and repeat the steps above, to make sure that the halves match, align your first quarter fold with the folds of the completed half.

Trim the excess fabric from around the centre of the ball. I realise it looks rather grim at this point but we are going to hide it all under a ribbon.

I used two lots of ribbon, a satin ribbon to cover the exposed edges and some Jane Means grosgrain ribbon to accent my decoration. (BTW, Jane has recently started her own blog, which is well worth a peek) Start by creating a loop from which you will hang your dec. Take your satin ribbon, pin it into the ball run the ribbon around the ball.

Do not pin the end of the satin ribbon down yet, instead take the loop from which you will hang the ball and pin it across the satin ribbon. Next place the end of the satin ribbon to cover the base of the loop, fold the end underneath to give you a neat finish and pin the end in place with four pins at each corner to make sure that the loop is held securely in place and will not bounce off your tree :)

Next tie a bow... and now I admit it, I lied to you, you are going to need to stitch the bow onto the loop, but if you are really stitch phobic, you can use a glue gun to stick it onto the loop.

And there you have it, your very own quilted Christmas star... that was so technically difficult to make!

A mitten ornament tutorial ~

My grandmother used to make mini mittens into pins for your jacket so when I saw these they made me think of her.

I thought that I'd share with you how I make these sweet little mitten ornaments. I love the look that they have, a little aged with a dusting of "snow".

First, I cut the mitten shape from a double layer of cotton batting - it has a beautiful creamy color to it. And then I sew around the outer edge with a 1/4" seam allowance leaving the end open. (You can even hand sew this!)

Clip the area between the thumb and the mitten close to the stitching. Then turn it right side out. I used pinking shears on the edge of the mitten, too.

For the next step, I threaded my needle and gathered across where the wrist would be and pulled slightly. Then I tied a knot to hold the gathering.

Next, I cut a small length of ribbon and wrapped it around the gathered wrist area and looped it through itself and took a small stitch through it to hold it.

Then I added a snippet of lace on top of the ribbon and took one stitch through it as well.

I added about three vintage buttons, stitching each one on . . .

And tied it off inside the mitten.

You may not choose to do this step, but as you know I love old things so I sprayed some instant coffee onto the mittens to give them an aged look. Don't worry, if you spray too much you can blot with a paper towel to absorb some of the coffee.

Next, I paint little wisps of glue here and there (Elmer's is just fine) and sprinkle clear glitter to give the look of snow.

And last but not least, I will sew on a little loop on the outer top edge of the mitten with button & carpet thread to hang on the Christmas tree!
(This step isn't pictured)

Here is the pattern...simply click on it to enlarge it.
Open it up in your photo editing program on your computer
and there you can size it whatever size you desire!