Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First-Aid Antiseptic Ointment

First-Aid Antiseptic Ointment 

-1 1/2 ounces beeswax, grated
-1 cup olive, almond, or coconut oil
-1/4 teaspoon vitamin E oil
-1/2 teaspoon tea tree oil
-20 drops lavender essential oil
-10 drops Calendula essential oil
1. Over very low heat, in a small pot or double boiler, melt oils and beeswax.

2. Remove from heat and add vitamin E oil and essential oils. Stir with a chopstick.

3. Pour mixture into small sterilized jars (or a mason jar). Allow to cool on counter.
4. Store in a cool, dark place. Use as needed on wounds. Will keep for approximately 5 years.


-Antiseptic properties of the essential oils include:
  • Tea tree oil: antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiviral, antibacterial
  • Lavender: analgesic (pain relief), antibiotic, anti-fungal, antiviral, antibacterial
  • Calendula is said to encourage healing, aid digestion, fight fungal infections and cure diaper rash