Thursday, January 2, 2014

Because I am WOMAN-Menopause Helps tips and

All I want is somebody fabulous who worships me.  Is that too much too much to ask for?

Menopause: Alternative Solutions by Michelle Dinmore Just when you get done with the PMS word, now comes the "change of life" phrase. Don't women ever get a break? You know, men sure got the easy part. Right when you start getting hot flashes and miss a few periods the big, "Oh, Oh," comes to mind. Most women rush to their doctors to find the answers, but in all reality all you get is some special name for horse urine to treat the problem. No, I'm not joking. Estrogen replacement is made out of pregnant horse urine. Ask your doctor if you do not believe me.

Anyway, I'm here to give you some alternative solutions to menopause if you prefer not to use the highly controversial HRT (Hormone Replacement Treatment), but if you are having any severe reactions to your changes, it may be wise to take it. As always, be careful with any medicine, herb, or alternative treatment and read all warnings before using them. Do not use HRT along with alternative methods unless you ask your doctor first.

One of the best and most highly recommended products on the market for Menopause today is soy. Soybeans have the natural ability to mimic estrogen. This plant estrogen is called phytoestrogen. These estrogen-like compounds are found in almost all soybean-based products like tofu, miso, and vegetarian meat substitutes. Some other foods also contain phytoestrogens like, flaxseeds, pomegranates, and dates.

Red Clover is an herb that is said to be even higher in phytoestrogens than soy. Red Clover can be used as tea, or taken in capsule form. Many people that are allergic to soybeans do well with Red Clover. Red Clover is said to be a 100% safe with no side effects, unless you are allergic to ragweed. It is also stated to help prevent certain cancers by cleansing the blood.

Wild Mexican Yam is another popular treatment for menopausal symptoms. It contains compounds similar to the hormone progesterone, which is decreased during a woman's changes. When a woman stops ovulating, her ovaries stop producing both estrogen and progesterone, so it may be a good idea when using and estrogen plant source replacement, to also use a progesterone one. Many people do okay just using the soy or Red Clover, so I'll let you decide on this one.

Certain vitamins and minerals are vital for maintaining health during this time. Calcium and magnesium are very important. With the loss of estrogen, so starts the loss of bone connective tissue. Vitamin E and lecithin are said to work together to help with hot flashes and other complaints. B-Complex helps relieve stress as well as improves circulation and cellular function.

There are a lot of good natural products out on the market today that have been proven to help many women going through their changes. You can find these items in your local health food and vitamin stores. I hope that some of the information I provided you will help you deal with this cycle that inevitably we all must one day face. Best of luck to you and your health!

Black Cohosh is an oestrogenic which means it has the capacity to  promote or mimic the action of female hormones.  Other herbs that fall into this category are red clover, sage, hops, licorice.  So if Black Cohosh isn't working for you, you might find that a different one of these plants works better due to your particular constitution.  Margi Flint recommends sage sprays and a lot of herbalists highly recommend sage to all elders.

Blue Vervain,  Vitex, Angelica and Licorice all work to balance the hormones in your body, also.   Something I heard in a recent webinar makes me think that one large dose in the morning when your prolactin levels are high might be better than several small doses.

Starting with perimenopause and into menopause your body starts to shift production of hormones from the ovaries to the  adrenals.  This causes a huge problem for a lot of women, because well, just think about the condition of our adrenals.

So while managing the hormone swings of menopause is important, you might find that you are better served by getting in there and really supporting your adrenals. Adaptogens are key.  Nettle seed is probably one I would investigate,  Licorice, Eleuthro, Borage, and Ashwaganda are other adaptogens that are specifically supportive of your adrenals.

As always diet is important as the hormone production changes over, you need to make sure you are getting enough healthy fats - your Omega 3's are really important to your adrenal glands.   If you are vegetarian trying to get by on Flax and EPO,  I'd like to tell I think you can get enough EPA and DHA,  but I don't believe it.

Eating a lot of phytoestrogenic plants can help, too.   Soy (fermented, non GMO sources), beans, chickpeas, nuts and seeds are good sources.

Magnesium, magnesium, magnesium.  Women in this country get too much calcium and not enough magnesium to maintain a proper ratio in their bodies.  I cannot tell you how many times adding magnesium supplements to the diet has caused menstrual cramps to just disappear.

Red meat is considered a warming food in Ayurvedic circle; probably due to its high saturated fat content.  There is also a link between eating red meat and a reduction in your body's production of oestrogen, possibly due to the estrogen fed to the cattle during production, so cutting back is probably a good idea.  I know people who have switched to grass fed beef and noticed a reduction of symptoms as well.  
Menopause Body Oil
6 drops lemon oil
5 drops geranium oil
2 drops clary sage oil
1 drop angelica oil
1 drop jasmine oil
2 ounces vegetable oil or body lotion
Combine the ingredients. Use at least once a day as a massage oil, in a
lotion, or in a bath (add 2 teaspoons to the bathwater). If this formula is
too oily for you, add the same essential oils to 2 ounces of a commercial
body lotion instead. The best type to use is an unscented, basic lotion that
contains ingredients that are as natural as possible

1 C. water
2 tsp. bruised anise seeds
2 tsp. bruised fennel seeds
3 tsp. powdered red clover flower tops
Honey and/or lemon, to taste

Bring water to a boil in saucepan. Add seeds and clover and remove from heat. Steep for 10 to 20 minutes. Strain. Add honey and/or lemon. Drink cool or reheat.

Healthy menopausal women may use up to 3 cups a day. If headache, rash, stomach ache, or other side effects develop, discontinue use. As this is a natural alternative to estrogen replacement therapy, USE THIS FORMULA ONLY IN CONSULTATION WITH YOUR DOCTOR.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New 2014 New Year

A very Happy New 2014 to My Loved Family and all My Friends and Followers as well.

Nothing like starting the new year off right with a new Moon and new beginnings

I am so getting ready for 2014 with a bang! Cleaning and cooking must all be done before midnight today

Here are some folklore about New Years for you


13 New Year's Superstitions

1. Eating black-eyed peas and greens, I remember this one the most from other years and I remember eating them. Eating them brings good luck and financial prosperity. You are to eat the peas with greens for prosperity. The peas represent good luck and the greens represent money.

2. Nothing goes out of the house, or you will be losing things during the upcoming year. Don’t take out the trash or food or anything, if your trash needs emptying, do it before midnight or on January 2nd. If you have food or anything to take somewhere on New Years day, have it outside or at their house already.

3. Kissing at midnight. Kiss someone dear to you at midnight, this will ensure affection for the next 12 months. If you happen to be alone at midnight, kissing the dog or cat would certainly work.

4. Don’t cry, don’t cry on New Years day, this could bring unhappiness for the next year. So don’t cry even if your favorite team loses in a bowl game. Be upbeat and happy as well.

5. Don’t wash clothes. The dirty clothes can wait until January 2nd. Some super-cautious won’t even wash the dishes on New Years day, I need to go and find the paper plates now.

6. No bare cupboards, fill up the cupboards before New Years day, otherwise that could be the way of the New Year.

7. Money, don’t lend money or precious items and don’t pay back loans either. To do so means you will be paying out money all year long. Also fill all of your wallets with money since that ensures prosperity for the New Year.

8. Open the doors at midnight as this will let out all the bad from the previous year. Now that’s an easy one to do unless its 30 below out, this will let out the bad before the good can come in on New Years day.

9. Loud noises, make some noise. This will scare away the evil spirits from entering your life in the next year. I like this one, it makes sense and it’s fun but you need to be careful though since too much loud noise and the cops might show up, and that might not be good for the New Year. Maybe just one yell and two firecrackers.

10. Don’t break anything, you should try very hard to not break anything, especially a mirror, as that could be doubly bad as breaking a mirror on any other day, so try not to break anything. And this is another good reason not to do the dishes on New Years Day.

11. Work, try and do something work related on New Years Day, just a token or small amount of work, if you do too much work related stuff, then it might not be so good. This one is only for those who have the day off, I wouldn’t think fireman and others would care for this superstition.

12. First person entering your home, this superstition is about how the first person who enters your home in the New Year will influence the year you’re about to have. Ideally this person should be tall, dark and good looking. This is a real superstition but I think it came out of an old Cosmo magazine article.

13. Which way the wind blows, there isn’t a lot we can do about the weather, but superstition holds that if the wind is out of the South there will be prosperous times ahead. The wind out of the East means famine and calamities and out of the North means a bad year for weather. A little odd but out of the West means plenty of milk and fish. Calm winds means a prosperous and joyful year for all, that’s just great since I just read there is a high wind warning for my area. 

Wishing you good health, happiness and good cheer in the coming yea!
Also the big news is this New Year starts off with a New Moon
I'm so looking forward to this New Year