Thursday, February 28, 2013

Vinegar Really Kill Weeds

Can Vinegar Really Kill Weeds?

I'm sure many of you have seen "pins" on Pinterest singing the praises ofsimple vinegar and it's use as a weed killer.  Really?  I had tocheck this out for myself.

The saga began in March.  I tried distilled white vinegar and went on a weed hunt.  A month later those same weeds are"yellowish" but still alive.  I wasless than impressed.

April rolls around and here comes a new weed killer recipe, three ingredients this time:  apple cider vinegar, table salt and dish soap (not Dawn).  The original pinner stated that apple cider had a higher acid content.  I perused the market shelves the other day and found that no matter white or apple cider, they both had a 5 % acid content.  But, I bought a quart ofACV for $1.09 anyway, I just couldn't let go of the dream!

After I put away the groceries, I Googledthis whole conundrum and actuallylearned some interesting things!  Namely, vinegar can work.  Also, adding a bit of soap helps the vinegar stick to the dastardly foliage.  And, to be most effective, the mix should be sprayed in the middle of a warm or hot, calmday.  The heat of the sun is an important factor and I have proof for you!

First, I need to give you a little history of my struggle with an invasive perennial called Lady Bell without this becoming a novel.

Campanula:  Lady Bell (*@%^!)

This perennial is so invasive that it's not sold anymore in nurseries.  I think my specimen hitched a ride with host a plant I bought 3 yrs ago.  I garden organically but I've had to resort to some nasty stuff to try to eradicate this beast.  Roundup 2 years ago...nothing.  This nasty stuff last summer.  

This chemical is so nasty, I used a small artist's brush to paint the chemical on the leaves...I was that afraid of it.  Look at the bottle closely, I paid almost $20 for it too...crazy!  And...nothing, zero, zip!  Lady (@&^%$) Bell laughed in it's hot chemical face. I resorted to pulling it out like a mad person...well you know how that ended.

Okay, history explained, now you know what I've been up against for the last 3 years.

This is the formula I used today for my murderous pl0t:

4 C. Apple Cider Vinegar
1 t. Dish Soap (not Dawn)
Mixed in a spray bottle.  Add soap, then vinegar.  Don't shake (BUBBLES)

It all seems so gentle and harmless but remember, vinegar is acidic and not selective when sprayed on plants.

Lady Bell, three hours after a vinegar shower on a calm, 75 degree day in Wyoming.

I carefully sprayed under the Euphorbia that LB has been trying to engulf for 2 years.  The Euphorbia looks fine.

I then went after Oxalis, it's a nightmare too but, not as monsterous as LB.

Frying up nicely in the afternoon sun...

Oh Hail Yeah!

Even though I'm extremely happy with my results...I remain a bit skeptical because I know what I've been up against.  I will continue to keep a vigil over this quarantined area and share my long term results but, if I were you, I wouldn't hesitate one nano second to try this in your own garden.  Heck, for a dollar you can spew vinegar and reclaim your yard.  You won't have to wear a face mask, wash your hands or murmur apologies to the worms, bees and butterflies for using harmful chemicals.  

People, this is a break through if vinegar truly works long term.  If it works for you, shout it from your decks!  I'm sick and tired of being conned into using chemicals in our gardens and near our food sources.  SICK of IT!  

Vinegar and soap may not be the perfect eradicator but neither is a product like RoundUp which costs at least 10 times what vinegar does AND it's harmful.

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