Monday, December 2, 2013

Morning Coffee or Brunch Time My way

“When waiting is the hardest choice.”
Are you facing a difficult time in your life?
Give yourself the gift of patience. Patience is the main ingredient necessary to get through difficult times.
Yes, it’s hard to be patient! But, without patience, you would have no hope. And, if the universe was organized so that your desires materialized instantly, that wouldn’t serve you either.
Patience helps you grow. It nourishes both compassion and empathy. So, embrace patience. Ultimately this makes you a stronger person
.Be patient!
©Jane Powell
To keep yourself focused, keep yourself moving. To keep
Yourself focused, keep taking on meaningful challenges.
Watch yourself as you make a difference in the world.
Experience firsthand that your actions have consequences,
And that will motivate you to take more focused action.
Continue reminding yourself of the reasons why you have
Chosen to do what you do. Make sure your daily tasks are
Aligned with the goals you've set for yourself.
Keep the objective in sight. When you can clearly see where
You are going, you'll naturally keep working your way there.
You have the power to achieve what you choose to achieve.
Focus each moment and each action on your dream, and the
Dream will surely and steadily become real.

 Feel good at the core
Life is increasingly filled with distractions, and they can be very compelling. Yet the distractions are not what bring fulfillment.
Fulfillment, by its very definition, requires that you focus your energy and attention on what’s truly important to you. In order to fulfill your purpose, you must live with that purpose at the center of your awareness.
Distractions can be exciting, fun, interesting, informative and enabling. However, there is more to life than just bouncing from one distraction to another.
The pleasures that only take a moment to achieve will be completely gone in the next moment. Yet the joys in which you invest great time, effort and substance will last a lifetime and beyond.
To truly enjoy life’s many pleasures and diversions, you must have a solid perspective from which to experience them. That perspective, that foundation, is built with focus, discipline and authentic purpose.
The distractions can make you feel good, for a moment or two, on the outside. Choose also to continually build the substance of your life, and to feel good about yourself at the very core of your being.
Ralph Marston

Feel the appreciation, happiness, and gratefulness for all that surrounds you and all that is within you.
Imagine having the life that you have always wanted. Then feel inside those feelings that you would have if you were already experiencing all that you desire. Combine that with these feelings of gratitude now for what you do have.
Focus on the positive things in your life. Release the negative thoughts, feeling, and actions. Release those feelings, the people and the things that bring you down or affect you negatively in anyway or at least set boundaries for yourself.
Live your life as if you already have the things that you desire. How? By believing and expressing yourself as if you had them or are living your dreams.
Be grateful for all that you have, for the life you have been given, for your family and friends, your job, and your home. Be thankful and give thanks for the abundance and prosperity that blesses you each and every day.
Feel the appreciation, happiness, and gratefulness for all that surrounds you and all that is within you.

Being rich
Being rich is not about how much money you get. It’s about how much meaning you give.
You don’t need a lot of stuff to be rich. In fact, the less you need, the richer you are.
Be genuinely joyful, and you are as rich as anyone can ever be. See the real beauty in even the smallest things, and every day, every situation becomes an unending source of richness.
Being rich is being able to lovingly give of yourself. And that depends not on the size of your bank account, but on your simple choice to do so.
When it comes to being rich, what’s on the inside is vastly more important than what’s on the outside. Being rich is feeling rich, and you can do that in any circumstance.
Being rich is fully appreciating and expressing the immense value your life has in every moment. Being rich is how you can be right now, and always.
Ralph Marston
“In the quest to have more, be more and do more, you may lose yourself.”
It seems that each one of us is in a never-ending quest to have more, be more and do more. Our lives become a blur of activities that we don’t necessarily enjoy. As for the things that we do enjoy, the pleasures and pastimes that recharged our souls remain forever on a “to-do” list. In all the hustle and bustle, it is too easy to lose yourself.
Take control! Don’t be afraid to ask for help with those mundane, daily tasks. And, most important, don’t feel afraid or guilty about saying “No!” when you need time to recharge.
Deep inside, you know what’s most important. Always putting yourself second doesn’t serve anyone. Now, take out your “to-do” list and start doing! It’s the best way to keep in touch with who you really are.
©Jane Powell
Beginning today...
Beginning today I will look in the mirror and I will see a person worthy
of my respect and admiration.
This capable person looking back at me is someone I enjoy spending time
with and someone I would like to get to know better.
Beginning today I will cherish each moment of my life.
I value this gift bestowed upon me in this world and I will unselfishly
share this gift with others.
I will use this gift to enhance the lives of others.
Beginning today I will take a moment to step off the beaten path and to
revel in the mysteries I encounter.
I will face challenges with courage and determination.
I will overcome what barriers there may be which hinder my quest for
growth and self-improvement.
Beginning today I will take life one day at a time, one step at a time.
Discouragement will not be allowed to taint my positive self-image,
my desire to succeed or my capacity to love.
Beginning today I walk with renewed faith in human kindness.
Regardless of what has gone before, I believe there is hope
for a brighter and better future.
Beginning today I will open my mind and my heart.
I will welcome new experiences. I will meet new people.
I will not expect perfection from myself nor anyone else: perfection does not exist in an imperfect world.
But I will applaud the attempt to overcome human foibles.
Beginning today I am responsible for my own happiness and I will do
things that make me happy . . .
admire the beautiful wonders of nature, listen to my favorite music,
pet a kitten or a puppy, soak in a bubble bath . . ..
pleasure can be found in the most simple of gestures.
Beginning today I will learn something new; I will try something
different; I will savor all the various flavors life has to offer.
I will change what I can and the rest I will let go.
I will strive to become the best me I can possibly be.

At peace with right now
Choose to be in a beautiful place, right here, right now, just as you are. Make your experience beautiful simply by the way you choose to see life and to live it.
There is nothing you need before you can have joy. Be joyful just because you can, and because your true joy gives so much value to life.
Be at peace with right now. Embrace the beauty and magnificent possibility of what is.
Feel the massive strength that comes over you when you make the choice to no longer fight against life. Feel the joy of acting positively and purposefully to make your most treasured dreams real.
Cast out any remnants of worry, blame, envy, resentment or fear. You have much more positive, meaningful and beneficial things to focus upon.
Be here right now in this beautiful, powerful place. Live and expand upon the treasure that is yours right now.
Ralph Marston
Reprinted from
" Morning Coffee"
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" Morning Coffee" all rights reserved.

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