Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Extra Lovely Moisture Oil

Extra Lovely Moisture Oil

Adapted from Bodyworks: Restoring Wellbeing with Homemade Lotions, Potions and Balms

1/4 c cold-pressed apricot kernel oil
1 Tbs coconut oil
1 tsp dried calendula flowers or tea (these are marigolds, you might even have them in your garden!)
3 vitamin E oil capsules (available at pharmacies)
6 drops lavender essential oil
3 drops frankincense essential oil (optional)

1. Put the calendula into a dish and pour the apricot kernel oil over it. Leave to infuse for 15 min or so. Then strain the oil (like you do with tea) into a glass bottle.

2. Poke a hole in the vitamin E capsules with a skewer and squeeze them out into the bottle with the oil.

3. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix or shake, and use a little bit at a time on face and hands and body. (It's an oil, so careful you don't accidently pour too much out!)

Some notes about making your own beauty products:

1. Always keep essential oils out of the reach of children.
2. Make small batches and replace every few weeks or month - we don't use the same preservatives as commercial brands (a good thing, but our beauty products won't last as long)
3. Try to store your beauty products in dark jars or in the cupboard out of light or in the fridge.
4. Always use clean utensils and a clean working area.

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