Friday, September 7, 2012

Tiny Witch Doll Free Bead Pattern

Tiny Witch Doll Free Bead Pattern
Made with Seed Beads and Tubular Peyote Stitch

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Here's what you'll need to make your own 3 Dimensional Tiny Witch Doll:

1 hank black size 11 seed beads . The doll in the picture was made with matte black Czech seed beads.

A few red and white seed beads.

A few brown seed beads. Matte topaz iris Delicas were used in the sample

1 black pony bead per witch.

1 4mm round bead per witch. The bead used in the sample is a translucent yellowish off-white.

Size 0 black Nymo.

Size 13 needle.

The construction of this little doll is similar in many ways to the Realistic Fuchsia Earrings bead pattern, but much easier! The Tiny Witch Doll can be beaded in a single evening once the bead pattern and assembly process is understood.

Thread the needle with doubled, waxed thread. Pick up eight black seed beads and tie them in a circle. This circle is the doll's waist. Next, add the doll's legs. This step is optional, depending on the finished doll desired. The beaded Witch Doll made without legs will stand up on its own. With legs, it will not stand up on its own.

Pick up ten seed beads with the following color sequence: red, white, red, white, red, white, red, 3 black. The three black seed beads form the boot. Skip two of the black beads and go up through the third one and the rest of the leg. Pass the needle through the back of the bead your originally left. Continue around the waist to the bead opposite the one you attached the first leg to. Add the second leg in the same manner as the first.

Next, add the skirt. Pick up 15 beads then go back up through the first of them to form a loop. Then pass the needle back through the back of the same at the doll's waist area. Go forward through the next waist bead, pick up 15 beads, go up through the first of them, through the back of the bead you left and through the next waist bead. Repeat this process for each waist bead until you have 8 loops.

The torso is made from a short Even Count Tubular Peyote section. Use the waist circle as the base row (first two rows for Peyote stitch). Add rounds until there is a stack of three beads over each of the waist beads.

Close off the tube by going through the four beads added in the final round. Go through them several times until they stay put.

Now add the arms. Go through the bead one row below the bead from which your thread exits. Pick up 5 beads, skip the fifth one and go back through the rest of them and through the back of the bead you originally left. Weave your way to the other side of the torso. Add the second arm in the same manner as you added the first. Weave back up to the upper-most row. Now set the body of the doll aside and thread a new needle for the hat.

Pick up 24 beads with the new needle. Tie them in a circle. Go through the first bead in the circle. Pick up a bead and go through the back of the bead from which your thread exits. Continue through the next two beads in the circle. Pick up a bead and go through the back of the bead from which your thread exits. Continue through the next two beads in the circle. Repeat this process all the way around the circle until 12 beads have been added.

Go around the new circle of twelve beads to connect them. This circle should lie flat inside the larger circle. Now repeat the process used in the previous step, adding 6 beads. Go through the six beads to connect them. This circle will stand up a little. Repeat once more adding three beads. Go through the three several times and weave back into the hat to secure your thread. Trim off any excess thread and set the hat aside.

Now, assemble the doll. Pick up the 4mm bead, go through the center of the hat, and pick up one black seed bead. Go back down through the center of the hat and the 4mm bead. Re-enter the "neck" through the bead opposite the bead from which your thread originally exited. Make the circuit through the 4mm bead, the hat and the seed bead and back down once more, re-entering the neck through the back of the first bead. Weave the thread down to one of the arms (the one you want to be positioned higher on the broom) and out through the end. If earrings are being made, alternate the higher side so that the broom faces the opposite direction on one of the finished dolls.

Pick up 3 brown beads, skip the last one and go back through the other two and the last bead of the arm.

Pick up two more brown beads and go down through the bead on the end of the other arm. Pick up brown beads, the pony bead, and 5 more brown beads. Skip the fifth brown bead and go up through the whole broom including the end bead and back down again through the pony bead. Pick up five more brown beads and make the circuit again. Continue adding bristles to the broom until it becomes difficult to make more thread passes. Weave up through one of the arms and into the body to secure the thread.

Here's a picture of an alternate version, made with jet black 3-cut beads. These 3-cut beads add a nice sparkle but they are bigger and the hat needed to be adjusted to fit. The broom was also altered a bit in this variation. Both bead types make a cute finished witch doll.

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