I think it's very important to balance your chakras often, it doesn't have to take long but the time of relaxation and cleansing is good for your being. Learn more about chakras below.
Chakra Information
Sources: Natalie with additional text from Zeline Wright
And from about.com
The word chakra is Sanskrit and means disk, wheel, or circle and is derived from the Sanskrit root word which indicates movement. There are seven major major chakras and numerous minor chakras. The seven major chakras run from the top of the head to the base between the legs. The minor chakras are located in various positions all over the body. Each layer of the aura has its own set of seven major chakras. These chakras sit on the one below it with each chakra going to the edge of its auric dimension. Energy is transmitted from one dimension to the next dimension through the chakras. The chakras are like whirlpools which draw in energy and then process and distribute that energy.
What is a Chakra?
The word chakra is a Sanskrit word which is derived from the verb car ("to move"). There are several literal meanings of chakra:
Besides the literal meaning there are also some esoteric meanings:
The Chakra denotes the "wheel of becoming" (bhavacakra), or "round of existence" (samsara), which is the phenomenal cosmos.
The word Chakra is used to refer to a circle of initiates in a Tantric ritual.
A Chakra is a diagram used to determine the right kind of mantra for a particular situation or student.
The word Chakra refers to the psychoenergetic vortices forming the major "organs" of the body composed of life energy (prana). These esoteric structures are also often referred to and graphically depicted as "lotuses" (padma, kamala).
"There are seven basic vibratory rates (bodies) which we use to progress from very basic energies to the very highly developed superhuman levels." Paulson, Kundalini and the Chakras, pg. 35.
Vyasa comments that during single-pointed meditation, which is fixation on a single point (desabandhascittasya dharana), that the concentration is usually on the center, or chakra, of the navel, on the lotus of the heart, on the light within the head, on the tip of the nose, on the tip of the tongue, or on any external place or object.
In the Rg-Veda and the Upanishads there is an identification of the body and the cosmos. Eliade [Ref: Eliade, Yoga, pg. 117] called these identifications micro-macrocosmic homologies. He mentions three:
the cosmic winds will be "mastered" as breaths
the cosmic skambha-pillar will be identified with the vertebral column
the "center of the world" will be found in a point (the "heart") or an axis (traversing the chakras inside the body.
Within the Bodhi Reference Model we use the terminology Body Metaphors for micro-macrocosmic homologies although we will mean, essentially, the same thing.
Consider some of the language used to describe the Chakras:
as a flower
as a whirling vortex of living energy
as a point object emitting vibratory energy
as a pulsation in the human energy field
as nerve complexes or ganglia
Chakras take in energy from the environment around you - this energy goes into your aura and your body to revitalize and energize you. Chakras spin just like wheels and are about the size of a silver dollar.
Did you ever have that "gut feeling" or just know something "off the top of your head" or "from the bottom of your heart" - well this comes from your Chakras in action.
Balanced Chakras –
They are round and the normal colors.
Congested Chakras -
They are hard to see and not well shaped.
Over-stimulated Chakras -
They are not round & energy is not well balanced the colors are not the normal colors for each chakra.
The First Chakra – Root: Muladhara
Anus, Rectum, Colon, Adrenals
Related to: Security, survival, grounding and getting to the root of the matter.
Element: Earth
Endocrine correspondence: gonads
Physical organs: reproductive organs
Musical note: Middle C
Tone: Eh
Sound: Iam
Colors: Brown, Black, Dark Red
Stones: hematite, Black Tourmaline, Bloodstone, Obsidian, Realgar, Blue Onyx, Rhodonite, Smokey Quartz, Garnet, Sunstone Red Jasper, Red Carnelian Black and red stones
Oils: Resin oils, vetiver, myrrh, patchouli.
Suggested affirmation: "The Universe looks after my needs. I trust life."
The center's presiding adept is Dviranda, and its presiding Goddess is Dakini. This center contains the radiant triangle called kama-rupa ("desire formed") within which is found the golden phallus (linga) of Shiva. This chakra is the source of the central channel (sushumna-nadi) of the life-force, and the resting place of the serpent-power (kundalini-shakti).
Regual contemplation of this chakra yields the paranormal ability to jump like a frog and, in advanced stages, to actually levitate. This is the Focus chakra for grounding and the ability to move in a loving way on the physical plane.
Function involves survival, will, self-preservation, vitality and passion. This is your anchor point and provides the instincts for survival needed in dangerous situations. The Root Chakra keeps the flow of your energy alive and moving. Without it ... life could become dull and boring.
Congested: Leads to feelings of weakness and a sense of being ungrounded.
Over-stimulated: May mean that your fears or concerns related to survival are becoming overwhelming.
When this chakra becomes unbalanced a person may be obsessed with material security or overly concerned with physical safety.
A well balanced Root Chakra indicates a focus on survival, willpower, passion or self-preservation. We can help to balance this chakra by cooking and cleaning in the home, sitting on the ground, walking barefoot and dancing.
The Second Chakra - Sacral: Svadhisthana
Pelvic cavity/area, Reproductive system, Ovaries, Prostate
Related to: Creativity, balancing between male and female, accessing deepest emotions.
Element: Water
Endocrine correspondence: spleen
Physical organs: kidneys and spleen
Musical note: D
Tone: OH (as in home)
Sound: Vam
Colors: Red, Orange
Stones: Ruby, Citrine, Wulfenite, Amber, Coral, Agate, Orange Calcite and Tigers Eye, Red and Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, Orange Jasper. Red and orange stones
Sound: Vam
Oils: Sandalwood, Jasmine and Rose.
Suggested affirmation: "My emotions are great teachers; I listen to their lessons and respond to them in ways that are loving and respectful to all involved."
This center's presiding deities are Vishnu and the Goddess Rakini. The center is associated with the sense of taste (rasa), the hands, and fertility symbolized by the image of an aquatic monster resembling a crocodile.
This center contains an "inward-facing" phallus (linga) shining like coral. Through contemplation of this center, the yogi becomes attractive to the world, especially to the other sex. The procreation and the balance of feminine and masculine energies.
The second chakra creates a strong desire within us for unity with others. Creativity is brought to life through our emotions, which begin in this chakra. This is also the seat of a psychic ability.
You may be feeling emotions of others as if they are your own – trust in the "gut feeling" you are having about something.
Congested: Can lead to feelings of isolation, a desire to be alone. It can also cause dependency.
Over-stimulated: could cause bouts of intense emotion, an overwhelming need to get attention from others or a tendency to overindulge.
Unblocking & balancing aids to help realign the second or sacral plexus chakra - We can help to balance this chakra by dancing, laughing and having a good time with our friends.
The Third Chakra - Solar Plexus: Manipura
Abdominal area, Spleen, Navel, Digestive system
Related to: Focusing, Willpower
Element: Fire
Endocrine correspondence: Adrenals
Physical organs: stomach, liver, gall bladder, spine
Musical note: E
Tone: eee-oo-mm
Sound: Ram
Colors: Orange, Yellow
Stones: Amber, Citrine, Yellow Calcite, Yellow Jasper, Sunstone, Tiger's Eye, Peridot, Serpentine Yellow and yellow-green stones, Sulphur, Topaz, Calcite, Apatite
Oils: Juniper and Neroli
Suggested affirmation: “I claim my personal power and accept responsibility for all areas of my life.”
Positive use of energy. Assimilation of lessons learned, and Digestion of food.
The third chakra regulates body's life force energy, mental activity and self-empowerment.
When balanced, you have a natural drive to compete and excel – feeling alert, confident and energetic.
Congested: You feel emotionally suppressed, confused, and unsure how to take action or achieve your goals.
Over-stimulated: It can lead to being overly competitive and self-centered behavior. Burnout can happen if intense competitive vibration lasts for a long time.
The Fourth Chakra - Heart: Anahata
Thoracic cavity, Heart, Rib cage, Lungs, Thymus
Related to: Balance, Meditation between higher and lower chakras.
Element: Air
Endocrine correspondence: Thymus
Physical organs: heart, lungs
Musical note: F
Tone: AH
Sound: Yam
Colors: Green, Pink
Stones: Malachite, Green Aventurine, Jade, Amazonite Moldavite, Rhodonite, Pink and green stones, Rhodochrocite, Peridot, Rose Quartz, Malachite, Kunzite, Emerald, Morganite, Dioptase, Pink Tourmaline, Green Tourmaline
Oils: Rose and Bergamot
Suggested affirmation: "I am open to give and receive love, freely and effortlessly. I forgive and release the pains of my past, and I am free to love in the present."
All things dealing with emotions. Release of emotions, Healing of negative or hurtful emotions, and _expression of all emotions.
This is the chakra where you a sense of connection with all things, oneness, caring, affinity, love, self-esteem and healing. This is a place where you communicate with yourself and those you love.
Congested: indecision, self-consciousness, feeling of being out-of-balance, and a narrow focus in life - mainly on the needs of your self.
Over-stimulated: Indicates that you are more concern with other's welfare than that of yourself.
The Fifth Chakra - Throat: Vishuddha
Throat, Voice, Neck, Thyroid, Para-thyroid
Related to: communication, self-expression
Element: ether
Endocrine correspondence: Thyroid
Physical organs: throat, lungs
Musical note: G
Tone: U (as in glue)
Sound: Ham
Colors: Blue
Stones: Azurite Blue Lace Agate, Lapis Lazuli, Sodalite, Blue Sapphire, Iolite, Blue Topaz, Blue, blue-green and blue-purple stones, Turquoise, Amazonite, Gem Silica, Celestite, Aquamarine, Chrysocholla
Oils: German Chamomile, Myrrh
Suggested affirmation: "I express my deepest truth gracefully, respectfully, and confidently."
Verbal communication, Verbal expression.
The deity for this center is the Goddess Shakini.
The Shiva Samhita states that by contemplating this chakra, one acquires an instant comprehension of the Vedas and all their mysteries.
This chakra governs the ability to express ideas through communication - either through talking, music or art. When balanced you are efficient in communicating your thoughts and ideas.
Congested: trouble in communicating and creating with intelligence and practicality.
Over-stimulated: Worry, fear or paranoia may be present. You may begin to experience emotions as if they are your own, not realizing that you are just "tuning" into other's mental communications. It could also cause bouts of intense emotion, an overwhelming need to get attention from others or a tendency to overindulge.
We can help to balance this chakra by listening to good music, singing, chanting, going for walks, looking at the sky, watching our breath and meditating outside. Bringing balance to this chakra unlocks the energy flow to the other Chakras.
The Sixth Chakra - Third Eye/Psychic Center: Ajna
Third eye, Higher brain centers, Pituitary
Related to: Seeing clearly, Intuition
Element: Light
Endocrine correspondence: Pituitary gland
Physical organs: hypothalamus, autonomic nervous system
Musical note: A
Tone: OM
Sound: Aum
Colors: Indigo, Violet, Purple
Stones: Azurite Lepidolite, Iolite, Selenite, Moonstone, Clear, white, purple stones, Sodalite, Flourite, Azurite, Sugelite, Lapis Lazuli, Amethyst, Sapphire
Oils: Rosemary, Lavender
Suggested affirmation: "I always receive and perceive the guidance I need."
Balanced state of mind, clearing the subconscious. Clearity of the psychic energy.
The presiding dieties of the ajna-chakra are Parama-Shiva and the Goddess Hakini.
This is the Third-eye chakra and is located in the middle of the head at the level of the eyebrows. The name "third eye" is derived from the Guru Yogas and was the receiver of the telepathic communications which the chela received. Hence, the ajna-chakra is also called the guru-chakra. But a guru is also a word meaning dispeller of light, so that an alternate derivation might have been from the darkness-destroying aspects of the ajna-chakra.
This chakra deals with clairvoyance, intuition, and spiritual insight, connecting ideas or developing a "picture" of something. When this chakra is balanced - you are clearly expressing your imagination & desires. You have the ability to be intuitive or are experience some vision or insights.
Congested: You maybe lacking imagination and the ability to express your ideas.
Over-stimulated: Too high a level of idealism, active imagination and constant expression of your ideas and thoughts.
We can help to balance this chakra by laying flat and placing a crystal over the third eye. Visualizing an indigo light or flame whilst meditating can also help rebalance this chakra.
The Seventh Chakra – Crown: Sahasrata
Crown, Highest brain centers, Pineal
Related to: Opening where the soul enters and leaves, understanding
Element: Thought
Endocrine correspondence: Pineal gland
Physical organs: upper brain, right eye
Musical note: B
Tone: EEE
Sound: Higher octave of Aum
Colors: Violet, White, Rainbow, Gold
Stones: Amethyst, Oregon Opal, White Howlite, White Marble, Moonstone, Clear, white and purple stones, Heloidor, Clear Quartz, Gold, Topaz, Diamond, Selenite
Oils: Frankincense, Rosewood
Suggested affirmation: "I acknowledge and rejoice in my spirituality."
Connection with Deity, Connection with the infinite, Connection with the Universe.
This is the topmost center chakra. It is two to three inches over the top of the head. It is also called the thousand-spoked wheel, the thousand-petaled lotus (sahasra-dala-padma), the great seat (maha-pitha), or ether wheel (akasha-cakra).
This Chakra is above your head where you connect with knowledge and enlightenment on a higher plane of consciousness. When chakra is balanced you are experiencing a divine will for spiritual truth and certainty. This is the time for communication with other spirits for healing or teaching.
Congested: You are feeling confused, depressed or have uncertainty about things in your life.
Over-stimulated: Shows your need for power or control and you may be disconnecting with reality.