Cleansing your Chakra:
Cleansing of your chakra is vital. It epitomizes the "domino effect". If one chakra area or center is blocked, the others cannot function clearly. A clogging of the system occurs.
A simple practice involves utilizing the colors associated with each station and visually "cleansing" each one. To cleanse each one or a particular one choose which chakra you want to work on and visualize its corresponding color.
Starting from the bottom, imagine the color you have chosen surrounding you.Let it fill your body. As it fills, little brushes are cleaning the impairment. See it all drop and dissolve
until the color is rich and warm all around you. Holes, rips, and tears are all mended. Do this with each chakra center letting the debris dissolve and fall away.
Next, start at the top. Open it fully allowing the universal or cosmic energy to invade and surround you. Again, see those little brushes cleansing off the barnacles and debris and releasing them
from your head to your feet in the same manner as above. See its color warm and rich and again, all holes, rips and tears mended. At all times, remain still and centered. Now see both the feet and the
head mixing and swirling in its rich colors.
If you feel a misalignment, concentrate on that center and again repeat the steps focusing on that particular center in question. It may be difficult for you at first, but patience is needed.
Another type of "alignment" method is dealing with the "energy stem". Each chakra is connected by a small stem to main energy channel. This
channel runs behind and parallel to the spine in the energy body. Sometimes an ailment or illness occurs in conjunction with a chakra
center becomes disconnected from this channel sometimes an old memory can become stuck in a chakra and send it all out of whack.
Once you have cleared the chakras as above, you can then step back and take a look at the energy stems and their relationships to the centers.
After performing the above technique and grounding yourself, prepare again for the visualization. Beginning with the first chakra, picture in your mind that particular center's stem with the energy channel running behind it. Is it connected? If not, simply
picture yourself hooking it back up again or reconnecting it. Is it a firm or loose connection? Picture yourself tightening the connection securely as you would a cap or screw.
Follow this same procedure through each chakra, moving up, checking the connections and repairing or tightening where needed before moving to the next one until you have done all seven or eleven to include the minor chakras
When you are sure that all are secure return to the first chakra. Imagine that as you look into that center, it is a flower or anything you want for that matter, but make sure you are looking directly into it. If you must, in your minds eye, adjust the flower until it is directly in your eyesight. Do this to each chakra, straightening and
aligning the direct eyesight with the flower or whatever it is you chose.
Now picture a huge golden sun through the Crown Chakra and picture its energy falling down and filling up the energy channel, into
the energy stems and finally into the flower. If you see a slight movement in the flower as a result of this golden energy, hooray!
See and feel the energy centers swirling with radiant colors. Stay this way for as long as you feel comfortable. Slowly close up the centers so that the energy is safely and securely all through your body. Stomp your feet.
Welcome to a brand new energy!
From here, it is up to you to control and direct it.
Clearing and activating the Chakras
by Anne Stone
If you have read my previous article about the seven chakras then you will
know how they play a vital part in our well being. By recognizing blockages
in your chakras and removing them you will be able to improve your
appreciation of the quality of life. There are two main methods of clearing
and activating your chakras by using crystals. The first method I will
describe involves the use of a quartz crystal wand, the second method uses
colored crystals.
Crystal Wand Method
The crystal wand you should use for clearing and activating the charkas
should be a small one - no more than two or three inches in length.
Crown Chakra
Hold your crystal in your right hand a few inches above your head with the
point downwards. Keeping your eyes closed, rotate the crystal in a clockwise
direction while visualizing a strong white light emanating from the crystal
entering the top of your head, continue for some moments, still rotating the
crystal before relaxing your arm. Then sit quietly for a few minutes
allowing the visualization to continue.
Third Eye / Brow Chakra
Hold your crystal in your right hand about three or four inches away from
your third eye chakra. The point of the crystal should be towards your brow
and the angle slightly downwards. Close your eyes, rotate the crystal gently
in a clockwise direction for several minutes and then relax.
Throat Chakra
Hold the crystal in your right hand, no more than six inches from your
throat chakra. The crystal should be in an horizontal position, parallel to
the floor. Close your eyes and visualize a pure white light emanating from
the crystal and entering your throat at the position of the chakra.
Continue for a few minutes before relaxing.
Heart Chakra
Hold the crystal in your right hand with the point towards your heart chakra
and not more than three or four inches from your body. the crystal should
once again be horizontal. Close your eyes and visualize both a strong white
light coming from the crystal and entering your body at the level of your
heart chakra and, at the same time, a pure white light coming from the area
of your heart chakra itself and linking with the light from the crystal.
Continue for a few minutes before relaxing.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Hold the crystal in your right hand horizontally with the point towards the
solar plexus chakra. Close your eyes and visualize a strong white light
emanating from the crystal and entering your body at the level of the
Spleen Chakra
Hold the crystal in your right hand pointing downwards towards the area of
the spleen chakra, close your eyes and rotate the crystal gently in a
clockwise direction. At the same time, visualize a pure white light entering
your body at the point of the chakra and then spreading outwards, like the
ripples on a pond,until it fills the whole of the surrounding area.
Base Chakra
Hold the crystal in your right hand and point it downwards towards the
position of the base chakra. Close your eyes and visualize a right white
light entering the body at a single point. Hold the crystal steady for a few
While performing these exercises you may experience certain sensations such
as warmth, tingling, the release of tension or slight discomfort. It is
natural to feel these and there is no need for alarm. Once you start to
clear the chakras of negative energies it will be necessary for you to use a
form of protection to prevent the chakras from absorbing further negative
influences. At the end of a session, take a few moments to relax and
visualize yourself surrounded in the same pure white light which has been
emanating from the crystal and entering the chakra points. Start from the
ground and work upwards, allowing it to cloak you in its protection and
ensuring that this protective shield seals itself above your head.
Colored Crystal Method
Each of the chakras is related to a color as follows;
Crown Chakra - white
Third Eye Chakra - purple
Throat Chakra - blue
Heart Chakra - green
Solar Plexus Chakra - yellow
Spleen Chakra - orange
Base Chakra - red
Lie down on your back an place a quartz crystal above your head. Then
carefully place a colored crystal corresponding to the color associated with
the chakra on each of your chakras. It may be easier if you ask someone to
place the crystals for you. Then stay relaxed in the same position for as
long as you feel comfortable.
Another method of clearing blocked chakras is through gentle physical
Clearing and Activating the Chakras #2
by Anne Stone
In two of my previous articles I have talked about the Seven Chakras and how
to clear and activate them using crystals. Now, I want to tell you how to
clear and activate your chakras using gentle exercises. Let us get straight
down to work.
The Crown Chakra
Rub the crown of your head in a clockwise direction with your right hand for
a few minutes.
The Third Eye / Brow Chakra
Move your eyes several times in the following directions. Facing forward, up
and down, side to side. Up to the left, then down to the right. Reverse. Up
to the right, down to the left.
The Throat Chakra
Move your head and neck in the following directions. Facing forward, up and
down, side to side. Up to the left, down to the right. Reverse. Up to the
right, down to the left. Now roll your head and neck around several times in
both directions.
The Heart Chakra
Get on your hands and knees. Make sure your elbows do not touch the floor
and lower your head and shoulders a little. Vary the angle of your legs and
buttocks until you feel a pressure between your shoulder blades. When you
succeed in getting pressure, push your whole body forward for a while, then
pull backward. Do this from the hips and legs. Next, find something large
and round like a barrel, a soft couch back or a bioenergetic stool and lean
backwards over it with your feet firmly planted. Relax and le the muscles of
your chest stretch out.
The Solar Plexus Chakra
Find a partner and hold each others hands firmly. While your partner
supports you jump up and down. Bring your knees up as high as possible into
your chest when you jump. Jump continuously without stopping for several
minutes. Rest, but do not bend over.
The Spleen Chakra
Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and parallel. Now rock your pelvis
back and forth bending the knees slightly. Repeat several times. Now, make
believe you are inside a cylinder which needs to be polished. Put your hands
on your hips. Move them in a circular motion, making sure you polish all
sides of the cylinder evenly.
The Base Chakra
Stand with your feet wide apart and knees pointed out. Bend your knees as
deeply as you can. Move up and down several times. Now add a swinging motion
to your pelvis, push it as far back and as far forward as you can. Rock back
and forth three times as you bend down. Stay down and rock back and forth
three times while your knees are bent. Then rock back and forth three times
on the way back up. Repeat at least three times.
I hope you have enjoyed these exercises. Other ways of clearing and
activating your chakras and improving your help include breathing exercises
and visualization.
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