What should you do to balance your chakras? There are several ways to balance the chakras, which can result in more balance of those areas in your life. If your chakras have been out of balance, choked, or clogged for a long time, you will need to do this "cleaning" and "balancing" on a daily basis for at least three weeks, and then once weekly to keep them healthy.
Sit in a chair and relax or lay down, which ever position will be comfortable, but one you won't fall asleep in.
Staying still and relaxing - close your eyes concentrating on your breath.
*Focus on the base chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright red light spinning clockwise - as you focus on the base chakra - breathe in red - breathe out red. Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy. When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the energy up
*Move to the sacral chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright orange light spinning clockwise - breathe in orange - breathe out orange Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy. When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the energy up
*Move to the solar chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright yellow light spinning clockwise - breathe in yellow - breathe out yellow Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy. When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the energy up
*Move to the heart chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright green light spinning clockwise - breathe in green - breathe out green Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy. When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the energy up
*Move to the throat chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright blue light spinning clockwise - breathe in blue - breathe out blue Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy. When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the energy up
*Move to the forehead chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright indigo light spinning clockwise - breathe in indigo - breathe out indigo Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy. When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the energy up
*Move to the crown chakra - visualize the chakra as a bright purple light spinning light spinning clockwise - breathe in purple breathe out purple Clean out mentally any debris, dust, negative energy, or other detrimental debris that may be there. Picture this chakra flowing cleanly and freely with this energy. When you have finished with the root chakra, move some of the energy up
You will have seven spinning balls of energy in each of the chakra colors when you have finished this part of the exercise. Enjoy this feeling as long as you want to. Any extra energy that you feel, you may shoot out the top of your head like a waterfall, and let it fall down the outside of your body to also repair any holes and weak spots in your aura if you like. When you feel complete with this process, then move the energy back down each of the chakras in turn, in the reverse order that you opened them. This is just like a Garage Door, you open it to go in, closing it when you go out.
Another method of balancing the chakras involves sound. Each of the chakras has a sanskrit name, a mantra name, and a musical note, among other things, that are associated with it and can be used to augment cleansing and balancing. Again you would find a comfortable position and breathe deeply. Now, focusing on the root chakra to start with, you would either intone the sanskrit name, or the mantra name, that is associated with that chakra. If you can do so, it also helps to sing the name or sound on the musical note that is for that chakra as well. Some people will use a pitch pipe to do this, others may use tuning forks. You can also have someone do this for you using tuning forks that actually will vibrate right over each chakra. You would similarly visualize cleansing each one in turn as previously described. Remember to start always at the root chakra and work your way up, and then back down again, opening them on the way up and closing them again on the way down. There are many associations for the chakras, and the table below has a few of them. You can use the gemstones in the same way as the notes, or the vowel sounds, by placing the appropriate stone on the chakra it goes with, and visualizing the energy of the stone cleansing and balancing.
No matter how you choose to cleanse and balance your chakras, it is important to remember to close them afterwards. These are main energy vortexes or centers in your body. Persons or situations having a lot of negative energy around them can cause your chakras to be clogged up with this negativity. You are also most empathic and open to psychic impressions when your chakras are fully open, and in some situations this is desirable. Most of us, though, don't choose to have our chakras fully open and vulnerable all the time. You can leave your chakras partially open for some things, and in ritual or sacred space you may want to be open fully. As you use these exercises and become more proficient at them, you will become more aware of how your psychic bodies feel when your chakras are open to different levels. Then you will be able to make a conscious choice as to how much to open or close each one, in keeping with the work you are doing.
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