This is my place to give tips, share things, rant, show what I do, what I like, what I want from life.
Friday, August 23, 2013
Butterfly Wall Decor
Print or draw on a paper sheet a few butterflies shapes, then cut and apply them on the wall with double adhesive tape. I would use colored paper or printed scrapbook paper with pretty design
The Cucumber-Did YO Know
Beautiful Green Lush Cucumbers
Low Calories, Lots of Vitamins, Keeps you hydrated

1. Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day, just one cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc.
2. Feeling tired in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and Carbohydrates that can provide that quick pick-me-up that can last for hours.
3. Tired of your bathroom mirror fogging up after a shower? Try rubbing a cucumber slice along the mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
4. Are grubs and slugs ruining your planting beds? Place a few slices in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.
5. Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemicals in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!
6. Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!!
7. Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries and often used by European trappers, traders and explores for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
8. Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don't have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
9. Out of WD 40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
10. Stressed out and don't have time for massage, facial or visit to the spa? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber with react with the boiling water and be released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown the reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
11. Just finish a business lunch and realize you don't have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
12. Looking for a 'green' way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but is won't leave streaks and won't harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
13. Using a pen and made a mistake? Take the outside of the cucumber and slowly use it to erase the pen writing, also works great on crayons and markers that the kids have used to decorate the walls!!
14. Fat busting: Do you ever wonder why women put cucumbers on their eyes to relieve puffiness? The photochemical in cucumbers makes the collagen in your skin tighten, thus the lack of puffiness. Did you know that you can rub a cucumber on a problematic spot of cellulite anywhere on your body to lessen the visibility of it? Did you also know that it has the same effect on wrinkles? Wow, it makes purchasing those fifty dollar creams seem a little silly, doesn’t it? You can also rub a little bit under your kiddo’s eyes after a long bout of crying to avoid that puffy ‘I cried for an hour straight’ look.
15. Defogger: Do you get annoyed when you get out of the shower and you have to fight the fog on the mirror? Who has time for that when the kids will be awake at any moment? Try rubbing a slice of cucumber on the mirror before you hop in and not only will you get a fog-free mirror, but you’ll have a nice smell that will boost your mood.
16 Headaches: If you suffer from headaches from chasing your babies all day, or had a little too much wine with dinner and want to avoid a hangover, eat half of a cucumber before bed. Cucumbers are high in B vitamins, sugar, and electrolytes, and they replenish the nutrients missing in your body to help you avoid a hang over or to beat that headache that’s been threatening to take over.
17. WD-40 replacement: Did you know you can get rid of a squeak by rubbing a cucumber on the hinge? Wow, now you don’t have to tear your garage apart looking for that little can with the red straw, and the baby won’t wake up when you slowly open the nursery door to check on him.
18. Crayon on the walls: Take an unpeeled cucumber and rub the crayon off of the walls in the event that your kiddo left you some art. You can also use this technique to erase a pen mistake.
19. Halitosis killer: Take a slice of cucumber and put it on the roof of your mouth. Hold it there with your tongue for 30 seconds. The photochemical that you love for cellulite and puff reduction will also kill the bacteria that is causing your bad breath.
20. Tarnish remover: If you’re finding tarnish on your stainless steel kitchen faucets and appliances? Rub it off with a cucumber slice. Not only will it remove years of tarnish, it will leave it streak free and your hands will thank you, and your kids won’t be put at risk from a dangerous chemical.
21. Energy booster: If you’re feeling tired in the afternoon, don’t give Starbucks your five bucks. Instead, grab a cucumber. There are just enough carbohydrates and B vitamins to give you a longer-lasting and healthier boost of energy than soda, coffee, or those health hazard energy drinks.
22. Munchy madness: Did you know that European trappers ate cucumbers for energy and to keep from starving to death? If those big burly manly men can eat a cucumber to keep from starving, you can eat one as a healthy choice when the munchies hit. Slice some up and take them in a small plastic container to the movies if your theater doesn’t offer healthy alternatives to munching on butter soaked popcorn.
23. Frugal facial: Slice up a cucumber and boil it in a pot of water. The chemicals inside of the cucumber will mix with the steam. Remove the pot from heat and lean over it, letting the steam hit you. Your skin will be more radiant and healthy, and you will feel relaxed and rejuvenated.
24. Shoe polish: Cut a slice off of your cucumber and rub it on your shoe. It will not only shine it up, but it will repel water.
25. Pest control: Put three or four slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and place them in your garden. The chemicals in the cucumber have a reaction that pests hate. You won’t smell it, but it will drive them from your garden all year long. Replace them periodically.
26. Sunburn: Sometimes sun block doesn’t always protect your little ones from sunburn. If you have burnt little kiddos you don’t have any aloe, rub some cucumber on them. Many doctors even use cucumber to treat patients with irritated skin and sunburns.
27. Blood pressure: Cucumber has been long used to treat high blood pressure. If you have it, add cucumbers to your daily diet. There is also ongoing research into the use of cucumbers for lowering cholesterol.
28. Constipation remedy: The seeds of a cucumber are a diuretic. If you’re constipated, try eating a cucumber. If you suffer from chronic constipation, add cucumber to your daily diet.”
We decided that cucumber juice not only makes a refreshing, slightly sweet beverage for a hot summer afternoon, but it looks darn pretty, too!
Cucumber Juice
makes about 4 cups of juice
makes about 4 cups of juice
6 medium cucumbers
Set a strainer over a large bowl. For a less-pulpy juice, line the strainer with cheesecloth or coffee filters.
Peel the cucumbers, slice off the ends, and chop into several large pieces. Run the cucumbers in a food processor until pulpy--about two minutes.
Pour the cucumber mash into the strainer and use a spatula to gently stir the mash until no more juice is separating out. Store the juice and the pulp separately for up to one week
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Melt and Pour Soap Making
Making Melt and Pour soap is the easiest Form of Soap Making
Great for a beginner Soap Maker to start out with and very easy, plus so many recipes you can find to make
Melt and Pour soap is a soap base that is literally melted and poured to make soap. You simply melt the base mix and add extra ingredients to make luxurious home made soaps. This project shows you the basics of this method of soap making.
Basic Instructions for Melt and Pour Soap Making
Melt and Pour soap is a soap base that is literally melted and poured to make soap. You simply melt the base mix and add extra ingredients to make luxurious home made soaps. This project shows you the basics of this method of soap making.
Melt and Pour Soap can be bought from all good craft supply stores in the form of “melt and pour” soap mix or base.
Alternatively you can use pure soap flakes available in the laundry section of your supermarket but I would recommend using a recipe that contains some moisturizing oils as pure soap flakes can be a little harsh on the skin.
But using soap flakes is a great inexpensive way to try your hand at soap making before embarking on a well blended soap mix.
You can melt the base soap in a double boiler or the microwave.
Microwave method:
Add your chunks of soap to a large microwave bowl. Cover the bowl with cling wrap to prevent moisture loss. Melt the base soap on high for one minute and then stir in any un-melted pieces.
Double Boiler method:
This is where a double boiler pan is used or a pan of water with a bowl over the top is used.
Double boiler method is the same method used for melting chocolate on the stove top.
Bring the water to the boil, place the top pan or bowl on top and add chunks of the base soap. It may take 10-15mins to melt the wax down. Do not leave it unattended.
There are so many things that can be added to base soap from milk, oils, chocolate and even spices. Check out our soap making recipes for full instructions on how to add these extras.
Fragrant oils
Add any scents after the base is fully melted or it will evaporate.
Essential oils
Add any essential oils just before pouring to prevent evaporation.
There are different types of colors and dyes. Choose one that is suitable for your project. Mica and soap making dyes well give the best result, but if you are just wanting to have a go at soap making than the candle dye and food color are great substitutes for a home batch of soap.
Add 1/8 teaspoon to 1/4 teaspoon mica with the melting base and stir it in really well. Spray any “mica bubbles” that form on the top with rubbing alcohol.
Candle Dye
Shave a few shards into the melted soap base until a desired color is reached. Only use a small amount of candle dye or it may temporarily dye your skin and is not recommended for sensitive skin types.
Food Color
Add a few drops of food coloring to the melted mix until a desired color is reached.
You can use anything from ice cube trays to muffin tins.
Simply pour your melted soap into the mold. Allow it to cool before popping it out of the mold. Allow it to dry for 2-3 days to harden.
Here are some Recipes
Coffee soap
looks great when presented in decorative coffee cups wrapped with cellophane.
What you need
4 oz of glycerin or other soap base/flakes
1 tsp of instant coffee
1 tsp powdered milk
10 drops coffee fragrance oil
Melt your soap down using a double boiler method. Once melted stir through your instant coffee or coffee grounds, powdered milk and coffee fragrance oil.
Pour the soap into a mold and allow to set as normal.
If you can not get coffee oil, use a little extra coffee to increase the scent.
Add coffee beans to the top of your soap for a decorative finish.
Coffee and Cream Soap Recipe
Use to aid in the fight against cellulite
8 oz. Coconut Opaque M&P Base
2 tsp. Lanolin
2 tsp. Aloe Vera Gel
3 tsp. Coffee Grounds
2 tsp. Heavy Whipping Cream
10 Drops Coffee Fragrance Oil
10 Drops Vanilla Fragrance Oil
Melt the soap base in a double boiler. Add all the other ingredients and stir well. Pour into molds and let it sit for 3 hours Put molds in freezer for 5 minutes and pop them out.
Coffee & Cream Soap
4 oz. clear soap, grated
1 teaspoon ground espresso
1 teaspoon powdered milk
10 drops coffee fragrance oil
In a small saucepan over low heat, melt the bar of glycerin soap until liquefied. Remove from heat and stir in ground espresso, powdered milk, and coffee fragance oil. Pour soap into a mold and let set for three hours or until hardened.
Pumpkin Tart Soap
What you need
What you need
4 oz of glycerin or other soap base/flakes
1 tsp of instant coffee
1 tsp powdered milk
10 drops coffee fragrance oil
Melt your soap down using a double boiler method. Once melted stir through your instant coffee or coffee grounds, powdered milk and coffee fragrance oil.
Pour the soap into a mold and allow to set as normal.
If you can not get coffee oil, use a little extra coffee to increase the scent.
Add coffee beans to the top of your soap for a decorative finish.
Coffee and Cream Soap Recipe
Use to aid in the fight against cellulite
8 oz. Coconut Opaque M&P Base
2 tsp. Lanolin
2 tsp. Aloe Vera Gel
3 tsp. Coffee Grounds
2 tsp. Heavy Whipping Cream
10 Drops Coffee Fragrance Oil
10 Drops Vanilla Fragrance Oil
Melt the soap base in a double boiler. Add all the other ingredients and stir well. Pour into molds and let it sit for 3 hours Put molds in freezer for 5 minutes and pop them out.
Coffee & Cream Soap
4 oz. clear soap, grated
1 teaspoon ground espresso
1 teaspoon powdered milk
10 drops coffee fragrance oil
In a small saucepan over low heat, melt the bar of glycerin soap until liquefied. Remove from heat and stir in ground espresso, powdered milk, and coffee fragance oil. Pour soap into a mold and let set for three hours or until hardened.
Pumpkin Tart Soap
What you need
4oz. (115g) Clear Glycerin Soap base
1 Tbs Liquid Soap
1 Tsp Liquid Glycerin
1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Fragrance Oil
1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
3 Drops Orange Food Color
This recipe is for Melt and pour Soap - If you are not familiar with this process then read our step by step guide.
For a whipped cream topping melt white soap base and whip it up with a whisk for a fluffy topping.
Then dollop it onto the hardened soap for textured cream topping
To make the soap I used goat’s milk soap base cut into 13 cubes. I used 13 cubes because I found that this makes exactly 3 soap bars with my soap mold.
13 cubes of Goat’s milk soap base
1/4 cup brewed coffee
coffee grounds
vanilla essential oil
soap mold
Homemade Vanilla Latte Soap Tutorial
1. Brew one cup of coffee; set aside coffee grounds.
2. Cut soap into cubes and place in a double boiler or microwave in 30 second intervals (I used a large pyrex measuring cup over a double boiler).
3. Melt soap over low-medium heat.
4. Once soap cubes turn liquid add a few drops of vanilla essential oil. Slowly add in 1/4 cup of coffee and coffee grounds; stir well.
5. Pour into soap molds and allow to harden for at least one hour. Press mold to release soap.
1 Tbs Liquid Soap
1 Tsp Liquid Glycerin
1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Fragrance Oil
1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
3 Drops Orange Food Color
This recipe is for Melt and pour Soap - If you are not familiar with this process then read our step by step guide.
For a whipped cream topping melt white soap base and whip it up with a whisk for a fluffy topping.
Then dollop it onto the hardened soap for textured cream topping
Apple Tart Soap
This soap looks wonderful packaged up with dried apple rounds tied onto the top.
What you need
This soap looks wonderful packaged up with dried apple rounds tied onto the top.
What you need
4oz. (115g) Clear Glycerin Soap base
1 Tbs Liquid Soap
1 Tsp Liquid Glycerin
1/2 tsp Apple Pie Fragrance Oil
1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
3 Drops Red Food Color
This recipe is for Melt and pour Soap. If you are not familiar with this process then read our step by step guide.
For a whipped cream topping melt white soap base and whip it up with a whisk for a fluffy topping.
Then dollop it onto the hardened soap for textured cream topping
1 Tbs Liquid Soap
1 Tsp Liquid Glycerin
1/2 tsp Apple Pie Fragrance Oil
1/2 Tsp Ground Cinnamon
3 Drops Red Food Color
This recipe is for Melt and pour Soap. If you are not familiar with this process then read our step by step guide.
For a whipped cream topping melt white soap base and whip it up with a whisk for a fluffy topping.
Then dollop it onto the hardened soap for textured cream topping
homemade vanilla latte soapTo make the soap I used goat’s milk soap base cut into 13 cubes. I used 13 cubes because I found that this makes exactly 3 soap bars with my soap mold.
13 cubes of Goat’s milk soap base
1/4 cup brewed coffee
coffee grounds
vanilla essential oil
soap mold
Homemade Vanilla Latte Soap Tutorial
1. Brew one cup of coffee; set aside coffee grounds.
2. Cut soap into cubes and place in a double boiler or microwave in 30 second intervals (I used a large pyrex measuring cup over a double boiler).
3. Melt soap over low-medium heat.
4. Once soap cubes turn liquid add a few drops of vanilla essential oil. Slowly add in 1/4 cup of coffee and coffee grounds; stir well.
5. Pour into soap molds and allow to harden for at least one hour. Press mold to release soap.
Homemade Lemon Soap
Goat’s milk soap base
Lemon essential oil
Lemon zest of 3-4 lemons
Step one: Cut soap into cubes and microwave in 30 second intervals (I like to use a large Pyrex measuring cup to melt the soap in). This recipe makes 3 bars of soap and I used 13 cubes of goat’s milk soap base.
Step two: Melt soap for about a minute. Add another 15-30 seconds if it’s not completely melted.
Step three: Once soap cubes turn liquid add a few drops of the lemon essential oil and the lemon zest; stir well.
Step four: Pour into soap molds and allow to harden for at least one hour. Press mold to release soap.
***Update: If you decide to use the lemon zest I recommend adding a preservative. I’ve read vitamin e oil can be used but haven’t tried it. You could omit the lemon zest and the essential oil will provide enough lemon scent.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
The "BOOTY" Workout
It's always good to do a few Booty Exercises No matter what kind of booty you have you can always improve it
Dieting Myth 1: Eating Fat Makes You Fat
The name says it all: Fat makes you fat, right? Wrong! Eating a small amount of fat actually helps you feel fuller faster as it triggers satiety (or fullness) signals, causing you to eat less overall. Not only that, eating the right fats aids in the absorption of healthy vitamins. Seek out the polyunsaturated fats you’ll find in liquid oils, like canola and safflower oil. Unlike saturated fats, they won’t raise bad blood cholesterol levels and may even reduce the risk of a heart attack. To get your healthy fat fix, also look for omega-3 oils from fish, krill, seafood, algae, flaxseeds and/or walnuts, and olive oil, which is a source of both monounsaturated fats and omega-3s.
Dieting Myth 2: You Burn Fat Faster by Exercising on an Empty Stomach
Starving yourself before you exercise isn’t only ineffective, it may be harmful. A report published this year concluded that your body burns roughly the same amount of fat regardless of whether you eat before a workout, but you’re likely to lose strength-building muscles by exercising on an empty stomach. Not only that, without food to fuel your workout, exercise intensity and overall calorie burn are reduced. On the other hand, when you exercise with some food in your stomach, you’re burning fat instead of muscle, leaving you with more energy and a higher calorie burn. Be sure to eat 30 minutes before exercise, preferably a liquid-like yogurt, or a protein shake so your body can make nutrients readily available for your workout.
Dieting Myth 3: It’s Harder for Women to Lose Weight
Men may appear to lose weight faster than women at first, over the long run things balance out. Men tend to have more muscle mass and undergo fewer hormonal changes, which allows for an easier burn-off of those first few pounds. Research shows, however, that, over time, weight loss evens out between the sexes so long as you stick to a healthy diet and exercise routine. Remember, healthy results don’t matter over a week or even a month – they really add up and matter over the years.
Dieting Myth 4: All Calories Are Created Equally
A calorie does not automatically equal a calorie! Some calories are more filling, leaving you feeling full faster so your appetite is gone in a flash. Other calories are less filling, keeping your appetite going and going and going. You want to seek out the first type of calories, so be sure to replace the less-filling saturated fats that you’ll find in butter and fatty meats with the more-filling, polyunsaturated fats found in sources like avocados and nuts. You will get the rich, delicious flavors you crave without packing on unwanted pounds.
Fall Treats, Snacks and Goodies
Look!! Fall is just around the corner, and I'm so looking forward to it.
Found some cute food ideas for you
Found some cute food ideas for you
Chocolate kiss acorn treats for Fall!!!
ROYAL ICING or Decorator's Frosting (recipe follows)
HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Milk Chocolates or HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Pumpkin Spice Flavored Candies
Mini vanilla wafer cookies
REESE'S Peanut Butter Chips or HERSHEY'S Butterscotch Chips
1. Prepare ROYAL ICING and place in pastry bag with small tip. Remove wrappers from candies.
2. Place mini vanilla wafer cookies on tray or plate with flat side of cookie toward the top. Squeeze small amount of icing onto bottom of candy piece. Immediately press candy bottom onto vanilla wafer cookie. Allow icing to set.
3. Place small dab of icing on bottom of peanut butter chip or butterscotch chip; immediately attach to top of cookie to finish acorn.
ROYAL ICING: Stir together 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon warm water and 1-1/2 teaspoons pasteurized dried egg whites (meringue powder). Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until spreadable. Add additional water, 1 teaspoon at a time, to get desired consistency. Transfer icing to pastry bag with desired tip. Cover icing and tip of pastry bag with damp paper towel to keep icing from drying out. About 1/2 cup icing.
ROYAL ICING or Decorator's Frosting (recipe follows)
HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Milk Chocolates or HERSHEY'S KISSES Brand Pumpkin Spice Flavored Candies
Mini vanilla wafer cookies
REESE'S Peanut Butter Chips or HERSHEY'S Butterscotch Chips
1. Prepare ROYAL ICING and place in pastry bag with small tip. Remove wrappers from candies.
2. Place mini vanilla wafer cookies on tray or plate with flat side of cookie toward the top. Squeeze small amount of icing onto bottom of candy piece. Immediately press candy bottom onto vanilla wafer cookie. Allow icing to set.
3. Place small dab of icing on bottom of peanut butter chip or butterscotch chip; immediately attach to top of cookie to finish acorn.
ROYAL ICING: Stir together 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons powdered sugar, 1 tablespoon warm water and 1-1/2 teaspoons pasteurized dried egg whites (meringue powder). Beat at medium speed of electric mixer until spreadable. Add additional water, 1 teaspoon at a time, to get desired consistency. Transfer icing to pastry bag with desired tip. Cover icing and tip of pastry bag with damp paper towel to keep icing from drying out. About 1/2 cup icing.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Blueberry Syrup
While I do purchase and use maple syrup, I actually prefer fresh fruit syrups on my pancakes and waffles when the berries are in season. I’m going to share how I make up a batch of blueberry syrup but you can use this same method with other varieties of berries and fruit: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, etc. This is also a good way to use up fresh berries that are on there last leg in the fridge – so they don’t go to waste!
This recipe is easy to whip up while your making a big ol’ stack of pancakes or waffles and you can serve it immediately. Store the leftovers in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a couple months. However, you can make this up ahead of time and actually you could can it for gifts if you so desired!
Here’s how I make up a batch for a morning treat:
:Blueberry Syrup
2 cups organic blueberries
1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of water
Place all ingredients in a saucepan on the stove and allow to boil. Once a syrup has been made by the sugar and water take a potato masher and mash the berries up to the consistency that you like (I like it a little lumpy so that some of the berries are totally mashed up). Allow the syrup to cook a little longer until the syrup will coat the back of your spoon (generally this syrup takes 10 to 15 minutes but you will want to watch it for the right consistency. If it thicken too much you can always add water, but you don’t want to scorch the sugar!).
At this point the syrup is ready to eat. I like the skin and fruit in my syrup. However, if your family prefers a true syrup (without the skin and fruit, only the juice), just strain the syrup through a sieve.
Serve over warm pancakes, waffles, or stirred in yogurt or on top of ice cream!
This recipe is easy to whip up while your making a big ol’ stack of pancakes or waffles and you can serve it immediately. Store the leftovers in a sealed container in the fridge for up to a couple months. However, you can make this up ahead of time and actually you could can it for gifts if you so desired!
Here’s how I make up a batch for a morning treat:
:Blueberry Syrup
2 cups organic blueberries
1/2 cup of sugar
1/2 cup of water
Place all ingredients in a saucepan on the stove and allow to boil. Once a syrup has been made by the sugar and water take a potato masher and mash the berries up to the consistency that you like (I like it a little lumpy so that some of the berries are totally mashed up). Allow the syrup to cook a little longer until the syrup will coat the back of your spoon (generally this syrup takes 10 to 15 minutes but you will want to watch it for the right consistency. If it thicken too much you can always add water, but you don’t want to scorch the sugar!).
At this point the syrup is ready to eat. I like the skin and fruit in my syrup. However, if your family prefers a true syrup (without the skin and fruit, only the juice), just strain the syrup through a sieve.
Serve over warm pancakes, waffles, or stirred in yogurt or on top of ice cream!
Snack Ideas for Kids and Adults!
Many Healthy ways to eat your fruits and veggies
- Apple (good with peanut butter)
- Banana (good with peanut butter)
- Carrots (good with hummus or ranch dip)
- Celery (good with peanut butter and raisins a.k.a. “Ants on a Log”)
- Mango
- Pear
- Grapes
- Strawberries (good with yogurt)
- Blueberries (good with yogurt)
- Raspberries (good with yogurt)
- Oranges
- Peaches (good with yogurt)
- Plums
- Kiwi
- Grapefruit
- Avocado (good with soy sauce and brown rice)
- Pineapple
- Papaya
- Star Fruit
- Figs (good with goat cheese)
- Honeydew Melon
- Cantaloupe
- Watermelon
- Cherries
- Edamame (good with soy sauce)
- Raw Sugar Snap Peas (good with hummus)
- Cooked Green Beans
- Mashed Sweet Potato (good with butter and cinnamon)
- Raw Sliced Bell Peppers (good with hummus or ranch dip)
- Cucumber Slices (good with ranch dip)
- Jicama
- Cherry Tomatoes (good with ranch dip)
- Cooked Snow Peas
- Frozen Peas (frozen…no cooking necessary!)
- Raw Cauliflower
- Raw Broccoli (good with ranch dip)
- Applesauce
- Unsweetened Raisins
- Fruit Leathers
- Freeze Dried Fruit (like mango, banana, blueberries or strawberries)
- Dried Apple Rings
- Canned Fruit like Mandarin Oranges (Native Forest brand does not use sugary syrups in their cans)
- Olives
- Whole Grain Crackers (like Triscuits, Multi-Seed, Ak-Mak, Whole-Wheat Matzos, Brown Rice Crackers/Snaps, Whole-Grain Rye Crackers topped with cheese, peanut butter, or a cream cheese and jelly combo)
- Popcorn (make it using “The Popcorn Trick”)
- Oatmeal (served warm in a Thermos if sending to school)
- Shredded Wheat (look for brands that contain 1-ingredients)
- Arrowhead Mills Puffed Whole Grain Cereal (corn, brown rice, wheat or millet variety)
- Brown Rice Cakes
- Whole-Wheat Pretzels
- Whole-Grain Toast
- Small, Cooked Whole-Grain Noodles
Nuts and Seeds…
- Larabars
- Peanuts
- Cashews
- Almonds
- Pecans
- Walnuts
- Pine Nuts (they are good lightly toasted)
- Pistachios
- Sesame Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Nut Trail Mix including Dried Fruit
- Hard-Boiled Eggs
- Garbanzo Beans
- Cheese (cubes or sticks…with or without crackers)
- Plain Yogurt (flavored with a little honey or maple syrup and vanilla extract)
- Organic and/or Local Bacon
Homemade…I got lots of good recipes
- Homemade Granola Bars
- Homemade “Larabars”
- Whole-Wheat Toaster Pastries (a.k.a. Pop Tarts!)
- Smoothies or Smoothie Pops
- Whole-Wheat Banana Bread
- Zucchini Chips
- Whole-Wheat Zucchini Bread (made into muffins)
- Whole-Wheat Pumpkin Bread (made into muffins)
- Whole-Grain Cornbread(made into muffins)
- Whole-Wheat Berry Muffins
- Pecan Maple Breakfast Cookies
- Easy Cheesy Crackers
- Kale Chips
- Homemade Powerballs
- Whole-Wheat Biscuits (good with butter and jelly) or Buttermilk Cheese Biscuits
- Cinnamon Glazed Popcorn
Cinnamon Glazed Popcorn Mix
- 4 cups plain popcorn (about ¼ cup of kernels)
Hint: We use “The Popcorn Trick”for easy plain popcorn - ¾ cup raw cashews
- 3 tablespoons butter
- 2 tablespoons honey
- ½ teaspoon dried cinnamon
- ¼ teaspoon ground ginger
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- Parchment paper recommended for baking
- Preheat the oven to 325 degrees F.
- In a small pot over low heat melt the butter and honey together. Mix in the cinnamon, ginger, and salt.
- Put the cashews in an extra large mixing bowl. Coat them with about a tablespoon of the butter/honey mixture.
- Spread the coated nuts onto a baking sheet covered with parchment paper and bake for 6 minutes.
- Meanwhile, in the same large bowl evenly coat the plain popcorn – minus any unpopped kernels – with the remaining butter/honey mixture.
- After the cashews have been in the oven for 6 minutes, take out the tray, add the popcorn to it, and mix it all up together. Stick the tray back in the oven and set the timer for 4 minutes.
- After 4 minutes open the oven and stir or shake the mixture around on the baking sheet. Set the timer for 2 more minutes.
- Once again open the oven and stir/shake the mixture so there are no hot spots that could get burnt. Set the timer for 1 more minute at which point the mixture will once again need to be checked/stirred.
- Repeat the process of checking/stirring the popcorn mixture every minute then take it out of the oven once it turns a dark brown (it can burn easily toward the end!). My total bake time was 6 minutes for the nuts then an additional 7 or 8 minutes once I added the popcorn.
- The popcorn and nuts will be slightly wet right out of the oven, but will harden as they cool
Think Beyond the Sandwich Bread…
Pin It
- Pinwheels (pictured)
Rolled up whole-wheat tortillas filled with:
- Cream cheese*, thin cucumber slices, and dill
- Goat cheese* and roasted red bell peppers (sold as pimentos)
- Peanut butter* and banana slices
- Sunflower butter* and all-fruit spread (similar to jelly)
- Egg salad
- Hummus, cheese, and grated carrots
*Easiest to spread when the tortilla is warm…don’t forget the fun toothpicks!
- Apple Sandwiches (pictured)
I got this idea from Williams-Sonoma and all you have to do is slice the apple*, cut out the core with a small round cookie cutter, knife or corer, and fill with:
- Peanut or sunflower butter
- Raisins
- Raw rolled oats (optional)
*Can also squirt apple with a little lemon juice so it doesn’t turn brown
Top with all the usual sandwich fillings or use two crackers to make little sandwiches.
- Whole-Wheat Waffles, Banana Bread or Biscuits
Any of these options would be a fun stand-in for the typical sandwich bread. The waffles and banana bread would be especially delicious with some plain or flavored cream cheese in the middle.
- Whole-Grain Muffins
Forget a sandwich all together and send in some homemade whole-wheat muffins – like zucchini(pictured) or blueberry – in place of bread. Most muffins can be made in advance and pulled out of the freezer the night before school.
Other Lunch Ideas…
- Whole-Wheat Non-Deep Fried Donuts (pictured at top)
I like my donut maker it saves frying in all that Oil. You can also make an extra big batch of these mini-donuts and freeze the extras for later. If you buy one try this recipe for 28 donuts: 1 cup whole-wheat flour, 3 tsp baking powder, 1 egg, 1/2 cup milk, 1/4 cup pure maple syrup, 1/2 teaspoon vanilla, 4 tablespoons oil (I used coconut oil).
- Fruit Kabobs
Whole-Wheat Pizza Toast
Incorporate fruit and cheese that you know your child likes as well as one new item. Everything is more fun on a stick!
- Whole-Wheat Pizza Toast
This is much faster than making regular pizza from scratch and just as delicious. Simply top regular whole-wheat sandwich bread with sauce and cheese then pop it in the toaster oven….and voila!
- Warm Lunch in Thermos
A Thermos is a great way to switch things up when it comes to packing lunch. Trysoups, oatmeal, brown rice or whole-grain pasta dishes, and leftover dinners.
- Homemade Freezie Pops or “Gogurts” (pictured)
Sunday, August 18, 2013
School Days and Nap Mats
I just can't believe how early school starts or that I have a granddaughter starting pre K this year.
Oh don't get me wrong I have older Grandchildren in school but each time another one starts school it takes a little piece of my heart to see them go off, growing up so fast, where does the time GO?
Now they make nap mats even cuter than when my kids went to school some places, so we found this pattern to make nap mats, but then we were told that the school where my grand baby attends supplies the nap mats and blankets and you can't bring your own. That made me sad but I am sharing this nap mat idea anyway, because maybe your school allows them.
Oh don't get me wrong I have older Grandchildren in school but each time another one starts school it takes a little piece of my heart to see them go off, growing up so fast, where does the time GO?
Now they make nap mats even cuter than when my kids went to school some places, so we found this pattern to make nap mats, but then we were told that the school where my grand baby attends supplies the nap mats and blankets and you can't bring your own. That made me sad but I am sharing this nap mat idea anyway, because maybe your school allows them.
You can find the pattern and instructions over at
or you can save time and Order one in several color choices from me
I still decided that I can make these for travel and I even will sell a few custom made ones
I can do names and logos on them
for information on ordering yours
email me
Next I decided that these Crayon holders would be such cute gifts for the kids
Don't you agree
So I have been working on a pattern for making some
Just a few projects I have been working on now that summer is coming to an end
I need to start thinking about the holidays, Halloween(Samhain) and Thanksgiving and Christmas
So many ideas and never enough time. Right? I know
How to Make Tortilla Bowls & Cups
A variety of sizes for tacos, salads, appetizers & more
I recently served a tortilla bowl taco bar for some big dinner parties at our house. The tortilla bowls can be made in a variety of ways and are a fun to fill with taco ingredients or salad. Mini size tortilla cups are perfect for appetizer portions.
You may have had salad served in tortilla bowls in restaurants. If so, chances are the bowls were deep fried. All that hassle and mess of frying and all those fatty calories aren't necessary. The method I describe involves baking the bowls with no added fat at all. I've seen other recipes that called for coating the tortillas with oil or butter before baking. I tried that, but actually prefer them without any oil at all. They're crisp and delicious just the way they are.
After making well over 100 of these bowls in the last month, I learned a few things. You won't believe how easy this is. Here's how.
Step-by-step photos for making
Baked Tortilla Bowls & Cups
Use your choice of flour tortillas.
I experimented with a variety of sizes. White and whole wheat both worked well. The tortillas I used were sold at room temperature. They were already soft and didn't require any heating to make them pliable. If you're using refrigerated tortillas, wrap them in a slightly dampened dish towel and zap them in the microwave for 20-30 seconds, just until they are soft. Don't overheat them or they will get hard and brittle. The tortillas below were 6", 8", and 10".
Method #1: Using Tortilla Shell Molds
If you'll be making these often or making a large number for a party, I highly recommend these molds. I got mine at Amazon, set of four for $10. They are non-stick, easy to use, can be used with any size of tortilla, don't require any added oil, butter, or spray, and result in evenly browned and crisped tortilla shells.
(Click here for Amazon link to Tortilla Shell Makers)
For my taco bar, I used 8" tortillas. I could fit 6 tortilla shells on my 13x18" baking sheet. Baked them at 375 degrees for 15 minutes and they were perfect--evenly browned and crispy. Let them cool in the pan for a couple of minutes, move them to a cooling rack, reload the forms and bake the next batch. In a little over an hour, I could bake 24 tortilla bowls.
A big benefit of using these shell molds is that the finished tortilla bowls stack and nest compactly. They can be made ahead and stored in a large airtight Ziploc bag or plastic container.
These same tortilla shell molds can accommodate any size of tortilla, as you can see pictured below.
Method #2: Form tortillas inside an oven-proof bowl.
You can also use any oven-proof bowl you have. Coat the bowl with cooking spray, gently press the tortilla inside the bowl, and bake. These didn't get as evenly browned as the ones I cooked in the tortilla molds. The edges of the tortilla bowl browned before the bottom. The bottom of the finished bowl wasn't crisp, but it did harden as the bowl cooled. It never got as crispy as the top, but it was still usable.
Method #3: Form tortillas outside an oven-proof bowl.
Coat the inverted bowl with cooking spray and place it on a baking sheet. Gently press the tortilla around the outside and bake.
The tortilla browned evenly on the outside and was nice and crispy. The bottom was firm, but not crisp.
Method #4: Form tortillas around outside of canning jars
I first saw this method at It was easy and worked well. In these photos, I used wide-mouth pint jars, coated the outside with cooking spray, and inverted them on a 13x18" baking sheet. Then I gently pressed 8" tortillas around the jars.
They bake evenly on the outside, but didn't brown on the inside.
The only drawback of the jar method is that the finished tortillas aren't as evenly browned on the inside as they are on the outside, and they don't nest and stack, if you're making a lot of them. But, if you're only making a few and don't need to store them, this is a good method to use.
Method #5: Make smaller tortilla cups in muffin tins.
This works great for making small portions. Simply cut a 10" tortilla into quarters, and press each piece into a regular size muffin tin.
Or, you can quarter a 6" tortilla and press each piece into a mini muffin pan. These bake beautifully and come out evenly browned and crispy.
There's no need to oil or spray the muffin tins. The tortilla cups lift right out. These are great for smaller portions or appetizers.
Whatever size you choose, whatever method you use, there are so many fun and tasty ways to use these tortilla bowls and cups. I'll share serving ideas in upcoming posts.
My favorite way to use tortilla bowls is to fill them with all of the tasty fixins' of a taco. It's a fun family meal or party buffet.
Click here to view recipe & instructions for
A Tortilla Bowl Taco Bar
Make it a yummy day!
Baked Tortilla Bowls & Cups
flour tortillas (6-10 inches in diameter; 8" recommended for meal-size taco bowls, 10" recommended for salad, 6" recommended for appetizers)
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. If tortillas are not soft and pliable, wrap them in a slightly dampened dish towel and microwave 20-30 seconds, just until soft. Mold tortillas into bowl shapes using one of these methods:
1. tortilla shell maker molds (available at -- press tortillas inside forms, bake for 14-16 minutes or until evenly browned.
2. oven proof bowl -- coat inside with cooking spray; press tortilla inside bowl; bake for 14-16 minutes or until evenly browned
3. inverted oven proof bowl -- coat outside of bowl with cooking spray; press tortilla around outside of bowl; bake for 14-16 minutes or until evenly browned
4. inverted canning jars -- coat outside of jars with cooking spray; press tortillas around outside of jar; bake for 14-16 minutes or until evenly browned.
5. regular muffin tins -- cut 10" tortillas into quarters. Press tortilla pieces inside muffin tins; bake for 12-15 minutes or until evenly browned.
6. mini muffin tins (appetizer size) -- cut 6" tortillas into quarters. Press tortilla pieces inside muffin tins; bake for 12-15 minutes or until evenly browned.
Let tortilla bowls & cups cool in/on pan, bowl, or jar for 2-3 minutes before transferring to wire cooling rack. May be made a day ahead and stored in airtight plastic container or bag.
To bake multiple tortillas bowls at one time, place multiple tortilla maker molds, bowls, or jars on large baking sheet in oven.
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