Zesty and Good 4YOU
This is my place to give tips, share things, rant, show what I do, what I like, what I want from life.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Blessed Lammas Day August 1 (usually)
Lammas Day
Wheat in the wind Sway.
In the Lord and Lady's Honor.
We gather once again.
Light your candles, cast your spell's
and wish to those all around you
love, light and fare the well.
Lughnassadh -
Also known as: Lammas, August Eve, The Festival of Bread, Elembiuos,
Lunasa, Cornucopia (Strega), Thingtide (Teutonic)
Date: August 1 or 2, or the first Full Moon of Leo
Symbols: All Grains, Breads, Threshing Tools, Berries (especially
Deities: Harvest and Grain Deities, New Mother Goddesses
Colors: Gray, Yellow, Gold, Green
Herbs: cornstalks, heather, frankincense, and wheat may be burned;
acacia flowers, corn ears, hollyhock, myrtle, oak leaves, and wheat
may be decorations.
Lughnassadh (Loo-NAHS-ah) is named for the Irish sun God, Lugh, and
is usually looked upon as the first of the three Pagan harvest
Lughnasadh is primarily a grain harvest, one in which corn, wheat,
barley and grain products such as bread are prominently featured.
Fruits and vegetables which ripen in late summer are also a part of
the traditional feast. The Goddess, in her guise as the Queen of
Abundance, is honored as the new mother who has given birth to the
bounty, and the God is honored as the Father of Prosperity.
The threshing of precious grain was once seen as a sacred act, and
threshing houses had small wooden panels under the door so that no
loose grain could escape. This is the original meaning of our modern
word "threshold".
From "Celtic Myth and Magick" by Edain McCoy
The following are a few suggestions for activities that may be
incorporated into the Sabbat ritual or engaged in during the day.
Make sand candles to honor the Goddes and the God of the sea.
If you don't live near a beach, you can achieve the same effect by
putting sand in a large box, adding water, and working from there.
This is definitely a porch or kitchen job, and newspapers are
recommended under your work area for easy clean-up.
Melt wax form old candles (save the stubs from altar candles) in a
coffee can set in a pot of boiling water.
Add any essential oil you want for scent (or scent blocks from a
candle supply store).
Scoop out a candle mold in wet sand (you can make a cauldron by
scooping out the sand and using a finger to poke three "feet"in the
Hold the wick (you can get these ready-made in arts and crafts
stores) in the center and gently pour in the melted wax.
Wait until it hardens, then slip your fingers under the candle and
carefully lift it out and brush off the excess sand.
String indian corn on black thread for a necklace.
If the Sabbat falls on a rainy day, you could collect rainwater in a
glass or earthenware container, add dried mugwort, and use to
Create and bury a Witch's Bottle. This is a glass jar with sharp
pointy things inside to keep away harm. You can use needles, pins,
thorns, thistles, nails, and bits of broken glass; it's a good way
dispose of broken crockery, old sewing equipment, and the pins that
come in new clothes. Bury it near the entry to the house (like next
to the driveway or the front door), or inside a large planter.
Do a Harvest Chant when serving the corn bread at dinner:
The Earth Mother grants the grain,
The horned God goes to his domain.
By giving life into her grain,
The God dies then is born again.
Make a Corn Dolly to save for next Imbolc. Double over a bundle of
wheat and tie it near the top to form a head. Take a bit of the
from either side of the main portion and twist into arms that you
together in fromnt of the dolly. Add a small bouquet of flowers to
the "hands," and then you can decorate the dolly with a dress and
bonnet (the dress and bonnet may be made out of corn husks if you
wish, or and cotton material is fine too).
Bake corn bread sticks. You can find a cast-iron mold shaped like
little ears of corn in kitchen supply shops. Preheat the oven to 425
1 cup flour
1/2 cup corn meal
1/4 cup of sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/4 cup shortening
Sift dry ingredients together, add eggs, milk, and shortening, and
beat until smooth. Pour into molds and bake for 20-25 minutes.
Collect blackberries and make a fresh pie marked with the Solar
Have a magickal picnic with libations to the earth of bread and
Sprout wheat germ in a terra cotta saucer (these can be found in
nurseries for use under terra cotta flower pots). The sprouts can be
added to homemade bread or used as an offering. Children enjoy
planting the seeds and watching them grow, too.
God the grain,
Lord of rebirth.
Return in spring,
Renew the Earth.
Make a Solar Wheel or Corn Man Wheel:
Turn a wire hanger into a circle (standard circle material for
wreaths too), keeping the hook to hang it by.
Make a small cardboard disk to glue the corn tips onto. You can
decorate it with any design, for example, a pentagram or sun.
Place ears of Indian "squaw" corn (it is smaller than regualr corn
and fits easily on a coat hanger) with the tips inthe center of the
circle and secure with hot glue to the cardboard disk. Use eight
for a Solar Wheel, or five ears for a Corn Man. If all the ears of
corn meet just right you won't need the disk, but if they are uneven
the disk is helpful.
Wrap a bit of the husks of each ear around the wire on either side
the ear of corn, leaving some to stand out free from the corn.
Let dry overnight and hang on the front door.
Activities taken from "Green Witchcraft" by Anne Moura (Aoumiel)
Lammas, The Summer Harvest
Lammas is another of the Major Sabbats, occurring a quarter of a year after Beltane. Tradition has set this holiday on August 1st, although some people observe it at it’s astrological point of 15 degrees Leo. Primarily a Celtic holiday, the celebrations begins at sundown the evening of July 31st. Although the middle of summer, at this time of the year, the gradually shortening days are noticeable and the wheel is turning towards autumn.
Lammas is the first of three harvest festivals, which happen now through the autumn, as different crops were gathered and the nature gods moved through their recurring cycles of birth, growth, and death. The ripening of grains (barley, oats and wheat) and corn was one of the main focuses of Lammas. The Green Man was primary to these rites, sometimes called the Corn or Wicker Man. His death is necessary for the rebirth of the next season of crops, with his rebirth at Yule, and coming of age at Beltane.
There are many stories about the origins of these rites. The old Irish Gaelic name for this holiday was “Lugnasadh” and some say the celebrations were to commemorate the sun-god Lugh. Many think the celebrations were about the death of Lugh, but the actual holiday is from celebrations organized by Lugh to commemorate the death of his foster mother Taillte. Literally translated, “nasadh” is related to the Gaelic “to give in marriage.” This may be why this was another popular time for couples to be handfasted, sometimes called “Tailltean marriages,” which lasted for a year and a day. The more commonly used name “Lammas” is based on Old English, where “hlaf” is “loaf” and “maesse” is “feast.” The first grains were harvested at this time and offered to the gods or on church altars.
Moving into the waning year, all night bonfires were often held, with dancing and games held alongside the harvesting and ritual food offerings. Festivities could include making corn dollies, harvesting herbs, races and games of skill, similar to events you find at modern Renaissance Faires. The Oak King, born at Yule and of age at Beltane, must die at this time of year, to allow the cycle to renew again, however this is not a solemn holiday. Sacrifices of crops and animals were sometimes made, and occasionally in some cultures, the king or a stand-in was offered. The burning of a wicker man was sometimes associated with these rites, an ancient precursor to festivals like the modern Burning Man festival held in Black Rock, Nevada at the end of August. Another ceremony performed at Lammas was the Catherine Wheel. A large wagon wheel would be taken to a hilltop, covered in tar, set afire and sent rolling down the hill. Some feel this symbolizes the waning sunlight and the sun-god having reached the autumn of his years.
Wheat in the wind Sway.
In the Lord and Lady's Honor.
We gather once again.
Light your candles, cast your spell's
and wish to those all around you
love, light and fare the well.
Lughnassadh -
Also known as: Lammas, August Eve, The Festival of Bread, Elembiuos,
Lunasa, Cornucopia (Strega), Thingtide (Teutonic)
Date: August 1 or 2, or the first Full Moon of Leo
Symbols: All Grains, Breads, Threshing Tools, Berries (especially
Deities: Harvest and Grain Deities, New Mother Goddesses
Colors: Gray, Yellow, Gold, Green
Herbs: cornstalks, heather, frankincense, and wheat may be burned;
acacia flowers, corn ears, hollyhock, myrtle, oak leaves, and wheat
may be decorations.
Lughnassadh (Loo-NAHS-ah) is named for the Irish sun God, Lugh, and
is usually looked upon as the first of the three Pagan harvest
Lughnasadh is primarily a grain harvest, one in which corn, wheat,
barley and grain products such as bread are prominently featured.
Fruits and vegetables which ripen in late summer are also a part of
the traditional feast. The Goddess, in her guise as the Queen of
Abundance, is honored as the new mother who has given birth to the
bounty, and the God is honored as the Father of Prosperity.
The threshing of precious grain was once seen as a sacred act, and
threshing houses had small wooden panels under the door so that no
loose grain could escape. This is the original meaning of our modern
word "threshold".
From "Celtic Myth and Magick" by Edain McCoy
The following are a few suggestions for activities that may be
incorporated into the Sabbat ritual or engaged in during the day.
Make sand candles to honor the Goddes and the God of the sea.
If you don't live near a beach, you can achieve the same effect by
putting sand in a large box, adding water, and working from there.
This is definitely a porch or kitchen job, and newspapers are
recommended under your work area for easy clean-up.
Melt wax form old candles (save the stubs from altar candles) in a
coffee can set in a pot of boiling water.
Add any essential oil you want for scent (or scent blocks from a
candle supply store).
Scoop out a candle mold in wet sand (you can make a cauldron by
scooping out the sand and using a finger to poke three "feet"in the
Hold the wick (you can get these ready-made in arts and crafts
stores) in the center and gently pour in the melted wax.
Wait until it hardens, then slip your fingers under the candle and
carefully lift it out and brush off the excess sand.
String indian corn on black thread for a necklace.
If the Sabbat falls on a rainy day, you could collect rainwater in a
glass or earthenware container, add dried mugwort, and use to
Create and bury a Witch's Bottle. This is a glass jar with sharp
pointy things inside to keep away harm. You can use needles, pins,
thorns, thistles, nails, and bits of broken glass; it's a good way
dispose of broken crockery, old sewing equipment, and the pins that
come in new clothes. Bury it near the entry to the house (like next
to the driveway or the front door), or inside a large planter.
Do a Harvest Chant when serving the corn bread at dinner:
The Earth Mother grants the grain,
The horned God goes to his domain.
By giving life into her grain,
The God dies then is born again.
Make a Corn Dolly to save for next Imbolc. Double over a bundle of
wheat and tie it near the top to form a head. Take a bit of the
from either side of the main portion and twist into arms that you
together in fromnt of the dolly. Add a small bouquet of flowers to
the "hands," and then you can decorate the dolly with a dress and
bonnet (the dress and bonnet may be made out of corn husks if you
wish, or and cotton material is fine too).
Bake corn bread sticks. You can find a cast-iron mold shaped like
little ears of corn in kitchen supply shops. Preheat the oven to 425
1 cup flour
1/2 cup corn meal
1/4 cup of sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1/4 cup shortening
Sift dry ingredients together, add eggs, milk, and shortening, and
beat until smooth. Pour into molds and bake for 20-25 minutes.
Collect blackberries and make a fresh pie marked with the Solar
Have a magickal picnic with libations to the earth of bread and
Sprout wheat germ in a terra cotta saucer (these can be found in
nurseries for use under terra cotta flower pots). The sprouts can be
added to homemade bread or used as an offering. Children enjoy
planting the seeds and watching them grow, too.
God the grain,
Lord of rebirth.
Return in spring,
Renew the Earth.
Make a Solar Wheel or Corn Man Wheel:
Turn a wire hanger into a circle (standard circle material for
wreaths too), keeping the hook to hang it by.
Make a small cardboard disk to glue the corn tips onto. You can
decorate it with any design, for example, a pentagram or sun.
Place ears of Indian "squaw" corn (it is smaller than regualr corn
and fits easily on a coat hanger) with the tips inthe center of the
circle and secure with hot glue to the cardboard disk. Use eight
for a Solar Wheel, or five ears for a Corn Man. If all the ears of
corn meet just right you won't need the disk, but if they are uneven
the disk is helpful.
Wrap a bit of the husks of each ear around the wire on either side
the ear of corn, leaving some to stand out free from the corn.
Let dry overnight and hang on the front door.
Activities taken from "Green Witchcraft" by Anne Moura (Aoumiel)
Lammas, The Summer Harvest
Lammas is another of the Major Sabbats, occurring a quarter of a year after Beltane. Tradition has set this holiday on August 1st, although some people observe it at it’s astrological point of 15 degrees Leo. Primarily a Celtic holiday, the celebrations begins at sundown the evening of July 31st. Although the middle of summer, at this time of the year, the gradually shortening days are noticeable and the wheel is turning towards autumn.
Lammas is the first of three harvest festivals, which happen now through the autumn, as different crops were gathered and the nature gods moved through their recurring cycles of birth, growth, and death. The ripening of grains (barley, oats and wheat) and corn was one of the main focuses of Lammas. The Green Man was primary to these rites, sometimes called the Corn or Wicker Man. His death is necessary for the rebirth of the next season of crops, with his rebirth at Yule, and coming of age at Beltane.
There are many stories about the origins of these rites. The old Irish Gaelic name for this holiday was “Lugnasadh” and some say the celebrations were to commemorate the sun-god Lugh. Many think the celebrations were about the death of Lugh, but the actual holiday is from celebrations organized by Lugh to commemorate the death of his foster mother Taillte. Literally translated, “nasadh” is related to the Gaelic “to give in marriage.” This may be why this was another popular time for couples to be handfasted, sometimes called “Tailltean marriages,” which lasted for a year and a day. The more commonly used name “Lammas” is based on Old English, where “hlaf” is “loaf” and “maesse” is “feast.” The first grains were harvested at this time and offered to the gods or on church altars.
Moving into the waning year, all night bonfires were often held, with dancing and games held alongside the harvesting and ritual food offerings. Festivities could include making corn dollies, harvesting herbs, races and games of skill, similar to events you find at modern Renaissance Faires. The Oak King, born at Yule and of age at Beltane, must die at this time of year, to allow the cycle to renew again, however this is not a solemn holiday. Sacrifices of crops and animals were sometimes made, and occasionally in some cultures, the king or a stand-in was offered. The burning of a wicker man was sometimes associated with these rites, an ancient precursor to festivals like the modern Burning Man festival held in Black Rock, Nevada at the end of August. Another ceremony performed at Lammas was the Catherine Wheel. A large wagon wheel would be taken to a hilltop, covered in tar, set afire and sent rolling down the hill. Some feel this symbolizes the waning sunlight and the sun-god having reached the autumn of his years.
Sausage, Peppers, and Onions Recipe

You can use different colored bell peppers, or just stick with green. This recipe uses a combination of sweet and hot sausages, but if you want a milder dish, use only the sweet sausages and reduce the amount of chili pepper flakes in the recipe. (Likewise if you want it hotter, use hot sausages and/or bump up the amount of chili pepper flakes.)
- 4 Italian sausage links (sweet, hot, or a couple of each)
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- 1 green bell pepper, sliced into 2 to 3 inch long strips
- 1 red bell pepper, sliced into 2 to 3 inch long strips
- 1 bell pepper of another color (yellow or orange or purple), sliced into strips 2-3 inches long
- 4 garlic cloves, sliced into slivers
- 1 large sweet or yellow onion, sliced into 1/4-inch half-moons
- 1 small (15 ounce) can of crushed tomatoes
- 1 Tbsp of dried oregano
- 1/2 cup Marsala or red wine (optional)
- 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
- Salt to taste
1 Heat the olive oil over medium heat in a large pan that has a lid. When the oil is hot, add the sausages and brown them slowly. If they sizzle and crackle too much, turn the heat down. You want a gentle browning, not a sear. Cook for several minutes, turning them occasionally so they brown on all sides. When the sausages are browned, remove from the pan and set aside.
2 Increase the heat to high and add the onions and peppers. Toss so they get coated with the oil in the pan and sear them as well as you can, stirring every so often. You want some blackening. Once the onions and peppers soften, sprinkle some salt on them. Once you get some searing on the onions and peppers, add the garlic and cook for 1 more minute.
3 Add the Marsala or red wine if you are using, and with a wooden spoon scrape the bottom of the pan to release all the browned and blackened bits. Let the wine cook down by half.
4 Add the tomatoes, oregano and red pepper flakes (if using) and stir well to combine. Add the sausages back in. Bring to a simmer then reduce the heat to low. Cover and simmer until the peppers are soft the sausages are cooked through, about 20 minutes.
Sausage, peppers and onions will keep in the fridge for several days.
Serve over polenta, or with penne pasta, or load up in a hoagie roll. Any leftover sauce makes a great sauce for pasta.
Serves 4.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Spinach Lasagna Roulade
Spinach Lasagna Roulade
This is a very simple recipe that looks great and tastes even better. I tried this way and kids like it best.
This is a very simple recipe that looks great and tastes even better. I tried this way and kids like it best.
Cook time: | 35 Min | Difficulty: | MEDIUM | |
Prep time: | 25 Min | Serves: | 4 |
- 1 bx spinach, frozen
- 1 sm ricotta cheese carton
- 1 c mozzarella cheese, shredded
- 1 1/2 c parmesan cheese
- 1 Tbsp garlic, minced
- italian seasoning, dry
- salt and pepper
- 12 lasagna noodles, cooked
- 1 jar(s) spaghetti sauce
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. Spread small amount of spaghetti sauce in the bottom of a 9 x 13" baking dish.
3. Combine cheeses, reserving a small amount of parmesan for sprinkling over the finished dish; add garlic.
4. Add spinach; mix in Italian seasoning, salt and pepper to taste.
5. Spread out cooked lasagna noodles; place a small amount of the filling mixture along the entire length of each noodle; when done, roll each noodle up and place into the baking dish.
6. Top with remaining sauce and sprinkle tops with parmesan; bake for 30 minutes or until cheese begins to brown slightly.
7. Leftovers are great... if you have any!
Prevent white paint from turning yellow. Stir a drop of black paint in it.
Stop smell of paint. One tablespoon of vanilla essence to two pints of paint, or add a couple of tablespoons of ammonia to one or two containers of water placed in room.
Remove dirt or lumps from paint. Cut a round piece of window screen to fit just inside the paint can. The screen will sink down into the paint and carry the lumps to the bottom of the can.
Remove latex paint from hands. The moisturizers ease paint from skin.
Cleaning paintbrushes. When you clean paintbrushes you generally soak them in water or turpentine, but then the bristles get all bent. Here's what to do. Take a piece of wood and rubber band it to the brush. The stick will touch the bottom instead of the brush and the bristles will stay straight.
Restore dried out paintbrushes. Immerse in hot vinegar. Bristles - hairspray, smooth, leave to dry.
Don't have a paintbrush? Take a plastic bag, put it over your hand and then put an old sock over the bag. Now dip your covered hand into the paint and apply it.
It can really be a pain getting the paint out of paint trays! Put the tray inside a plastic bag and then pour in the paint. When the job is finished simply remove the plastic bag and throw it away! The tray is clean and ready for the next paint job!
Keeping track of unused paint. After you finished painting and before you've resealed the can, paint a line on the outside of the can at the paint level. Later this will let you know at a glance both how much paint is left inside and exactly what color it is.
Keep paint fresh between projects. Seal the lid tightly by using a mallet all the way around the lid. Then, with one hand on the lid, turn the can of paint upside down for just a second or two and then turn it right side up again. This will coat the entire inside top surface of the can with a thin film that will help seal the lid.
Spray painting something that's small. Put the item in a big paper bag. You can paint and it won't make a mess!
Redecorating? Record paint or wallpaper identification numbers on masking tape and then stick the tape on the back of a switch plate cover in each room. That way you'll know right where to find those ID numbers.
Make your ceiling seem higher. Paint it a lighter tone than the walls.
Use a primer coat. Your paint will go on easier and will be less likely to fade and chip. Another tip: ask the paint store to tint your primer the same shade you intend to use for the paint. That way you can see how a certain shade really looks on your walls without committing to that color
Diabetes. There was a case I personally know of where someone with diabetes was having an increased heatbeat, 120 beats per minute (twice as fast as normal) because he had a high acidic content. He drank Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) and his hearbeat went down to normal. Many diabetics who take insulan die, because insulan breaks down the organs of the body, like the liver and kidneys. Instead, it's best to do things which are good for the circulation. Trampolines have had a huge positive effect for those with diabetes.
Ulcer Cure. Black walnut hull extract and colodial silver water.
Cancer Cure. Appricot seeds cure many forms of cancer, as well as eating a veggetarian diet.
Kill Parasites. Parasites cause almost all diseases. Black Walnut Hulls (which comes in pill-bottle form in a health food store) is the best natural defense. Pumpkin seeds, garlic, and apple cider vinegar (2 teaspoons in water) are also excellent to take.
Dandruff can often be controlled. Shampoo in cool water. Hot water strips the skin of natural oils that help control flaking, and so do alcohol-based styling products like mousse or gel.
Chapped lips. Use a tea bag. The tannic acid in tea helps retain moisture and tighten the skin on your lips. Just remove any lipstick or lip balm, then take a tea bag, put it under warm water, and press it lightly over your lips.
Heartburn. The best remedy is your own water supply. Saliva is rich in natural chemicals that coat and protect. Get those juices flowing with some sugarless gum! Stay away from gum with sugar, it can actually increase acid output.
Disinfect wounds. Listerine works as an astringent when poured on a laceration or abrasion. You can also use honey. Honey kills bacteria and putting it on a cut or scrape can help prevent infection and speed healing. First wash the area, then smooth on some honey and cover with a bandage.
Dress wounds with honey. Honey is hyreoscopic and absorbs water, creating an environment in which disease producing microorganisms, deprived of their moisture, cannot live.
Get rid of warts. White iodine will make them disappear in a few days. You may also try vitamin A and E. Inside of banana skins. Milk from cut end of dandelion two or three times a day. Warm castor oil on gauze three times a day for half an hour. Cod liver oil. Duct tape gets rid of warts fast.
Relieve a mild sore throat. Gargle several times daily with warm salt water.
Cure for headaches. Camamile oil is great for migranes; just rub it into your temples. Another alternative is to take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead. The throbbing will go away.
Stuffed up nose. Both red and black pepper dilate blood vessels in the nose and they stimulate secretions which help drain sinuses.
Remove dark circles from under your eyes. Try raw potato slices; they contain potassium that apparently will remove dark circles. Another one you might try is warm tea bags; the tannic acid is supposed to do the same thing.
Relieve muscle pain from working out. Try eating bananas! They're rich in potassium, a mineral that has long been prescribed to treat leg cramps!
Get rid of itch from mosquito bite. Apply soap on the area for instant relief.
Treat bee stings. Cut an onion in half and press the cut side to the sting, holding it there for at least ten minutes. Onions contain an enzyme that break down proteins and stops pain if applied soon enough after a sting.
Prevent minor bruises from getting bigger and darker. Put ice on the bruise immediately after you get bumped.
Nighttime cramps. If running gives you nighttime cramps in your calves drink tonic water before you go to bed. It contains quinine, a plant extract that acts as a muscle relaxant. Add lemon to the tonic water or mix it with orange juice to reduce its bitterness.
Cold sores. They heal faster and cause less pain when treated topically with Pepto Bismol or another bismuth-containing antacid. Use a cotton ball to dab the liquid onto the sore every four hours.
"Brain freeze" when you're eating ice cream. Cold on the roof of your mouth causes pain in the temples and eye sockets. The cure? Drink a glass of warm water.
You may not want to keep your medicine in your medicine cabinet. Steam from the shower can break down the pills' chemical makeup! And don't put your pills in a pale pillbox. The original packaging is brown for a reason: some pills lose their power when exposed to sunlight.
Is your little one scared of the doctor? Blow soap bubbles to sooth and distract the child while the doctor goes to work.
Giving cats medicine. If your cat refuses to cooperate when you're trying to give him liquid medicine, put the medicine on the top side of one of his paws. He'll instinctly lick it right off!
Activated Charcoal absorbs toxins in the body (i.e. from taking a lot of medicine). If you have a ruptured appendix, putting activated charcoal on the outside of skin absorbs it. Activated Charcoal is also great if you have high cholesterol. Charcoal breaks down snake venom in half so that it's no longer toxic and your body can absorb snake poison harmlessly. You may also grind activated charcoal, red potato and flax seed oil together for a better remedy (place it in a rag and put the rag next to your skin, to prevent it from staining your skin).
Sun block. Zinc oxide sunblock blocks the sun harmlessly for all ages. Avoid sunscreen, because it causes a chemical reaction with the skin.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Chicken Noodle Tetrazzini
4 pounds Chicken, cut in pieces
1/2 pound Mushrooms, thinly sliced
5 tablespooms Unsalted butter
1/2 pound Spaghetti
2 tablespoons Flour
1 cup Heavy cream
3 tablespoons Medium dry sherry
Nutmeg to taste
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese, grated
In a kettle, combine the chicken with enough salted water to cover it by 2 inches. Bring water to a boil, and simmer
the chicken for 20 minutes or until it is tender. Let chicken cool in the broth, separate the meat from the skin and
bones, returning the skin and bones to the broth. Cut the meat into strips and reserve. Simmer the broth until it is
reduced by half, strain through a fine sieve, discarding the solids. Skim off fat. Boil the stock until it is reduced
to about 2 cups. Meanwhile, in a large saucepan, cook the mushrooms in 2 Tbsp butter over mod-low heat, stirring,
until they are softened. In a kettle of boiling salted water, cook spaghetti until it is al dente. Drain it well. In
a saucepan melt remaining butter over mod-low heat. Add flour and cook the roux, stirring, for 3 minutes. Whisk in
the reserved broth, cream and Sherry. Bring the sauce to a boil, whisking, and simmer it for 5 minutes. Season with
nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste. Stir half into the mushrooms with the spaghetti and transfer it to a well-
buttered 2-1/2-qt. baking dish, making a well in the center. Add the chicken meat to the remaining sauce, combine
well. Spoon this into the center of the spaghetti and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Bake in the middle of a
preheated 350f oven for 25-30 minutes or until pale golden in color. Serve immediately.
Serves 4
Sunday, July 29, 2012
Chicken with Spiced Tomato, Caper & Olive Sauce
Chicken with Spiced Tomato, Caper & Olive Sauce
1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breast halves (about 3)
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
1-1/2 tsp. ground cumin
1/2 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon
Tiny pinch each of ground cloves, ground nutmeg, and cayenne
1 large clove garlic, minced
3 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 small onion, finely diced (about 1/3 cup)
1 Tbs. tomato paste
1/3 cup dry red wine
14-1/2-ounce can diced tomatoes, with their juices
1 Tbs. light or dark brown sugar
16 pimento-stuffed green olives, sliced crosswise into thirds
1 Tbs. drained capers, rinsed
1 Tbs. chopped fresh basil
Trim the chicken, removing the tenders, and slice on an angle into 3/4- inch-thick pieces and season generously with salt and pepper. In a small bowl, combine the cumin, oregano, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, and cayenne. Put the garlic on top of the spices and set aside.
In a 10-inch straight-sided sauté pan, heat 2 Tbs. of the oil over medium-high heat until the oil is hot enough to shimmer. Add half of the chicken and cook, flipping once, until lightly browned and just barely cooked through, 1 to 2 minutes per side. Transfer the chicken to a plate; repeat with the remaining chicken. Cover with foil to keep warm.
Return the pan to medium heat. Add the remaining 1 Tbs. oil and then the onion. Sauté, stirring almost constantly with a wooden spoon, until the onion is softened and browned, 2 to 3 minutes. Add the spices and garlic, and cook, stirring constantly, for about 20 seconds. Add the tomato paste and cook, smearing the paste around the pan with the back of the spoon, for about 30 seconds. Pour in the wine and scrape the pan with the spoon to loosen any browned bits. Let the wine simmer until the mixture looks like a coarse, wet paste, 1 to 2 minutes.
Stir in the tomatoes with their juices, the brown sugar, and 1/4 tsp. salt. Adjust the heat as needed to bring the mixture to a simmer. Cover and simmer for 5 minutes. Stir in the olives and capers. Simmer gently uncovered for another 5 minutes. Taste the sauce; add salt and pepper as needed. Add the chicken and any accumulated juices to the sauce and turn to coat with the sauce. Serve immediately, sprinkled with the basil.
Caramel, Chocolate & Almond Gooey Butter Cake
1 bx | caramel cake mix |
1 can(s) | dulce de leche [13.4 oz.] |
16 oz | powdered sugar |
8 oz | cream cheese, softened |
2 stk | melted butter, divided
Visit GoBoldWithButter.com
4 lg | eggs |
1/3 c | slivered almonds, toasted |
1/3 c | toffee bits |
1/3 c | mini chocolate chips, plus 1/2 cup |
1 Tbsp | heavy cream |
1 tsp | vanilla |
Who doesn't love a gooey butter cake? The variations and flavor combinations are endless. I came up with this version using some of my family's favorite sweet indulgences! It's an original creation that's sure to please!
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a 13x9 inch baking dish with cooking spray and set aside. Toast the almonds at 350 degrees for 8 minutes or until golden. Set aside to cool.
In a mixing bowl mix together the cake mix, one stick of melted butter and one egg until combined. Press the mixture evenly into the bottom of the prepared baking dish. On top of the crust sprinkle the mini chocolate chips, toffee bits and toasted almonds.
In the same mixing bowl, mix together the softened cream cheese and the Dulce de Leche until combined.
Beat in the remaining 3 eggs, vanilla, powdered sugar and melted butter. Whip on medium high speed so that all of the ingredients come together nicely. Pour the filling over the crust and place into the oven.
Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes. When you remove it from the oven, the cake will still appear a little "jiggly." This means you did a great job not over baking the cake!
GLAZE: Melt 1/2 cup of additional chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon of heavy cream in the microwave. Stir until completely smooth then drizzle over the cake before serving.
Allow the cake to cool to room temperature then drizzle with chocolate glaze and sprinkle with toffee bits. Serve with a dollop of whipped cream.Chocolate and Coffee: The Best of Both Worlds
Today there's definitely some cause for celebration; it's National Chocolate Ice Cream Day! Now, as much as we love chocolate here at Whole Latte Love, we love chocolate and coffee even more. So, in honor of this delicious day, we've got a recipe for you that combines the best of both worlds.
For the Mocha Shake you're going to need:
- 1 cup of strong chilled coffee
- 1 cup of milk
- 3 tbsp of sugar
- 3 cups of vanilla ice cream (If you use chocolate we won't tell anyone)
- 3 tbsp of Ghirardelli Barista's Choice Chocolate sauce
- 1 dash of salt
- Whipped cream (optional)
To make the shake, you're going to need a blender and a bit of counter space for all of your ingredients. Start by adding your coffee, milk, sugar, and salt to the blender and mix thoroughly. It's important to remember to use chilled coffee; otherwise it can negatively impact the consistency of your drink. Next, add ice cream and syrup and blend until smooth.
And, if you really feel like
indulging, add a swirl of whipped cream to the top. Drizzle with chocolate, and
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