Turns out the research reveals that womankind owns the title of top volume in between the sheets. That's right, women are louder during sex than men -- some 94 percent of ladies admit it, and 70 percent of men agree.
Now some folks are instantly jumping to the "ooh, must mean she has to fake her orgasms" conclusion. But I think there's a better reason for this phenomenon, a much, much better one for femalekind. Before you get all nervous and start trying to tone it down, you might want to consider this.
Ever read an article with a sexpert? It seems like they are constantly advising us that if we want to get satisfaction in bed, we need to own our sexual experience. Remember the phrase you learned back in kindergarten about how honesty is the best policy? It applies during sex too.
So let's take this back to naughty ladies getting noisy, shall we? There may be ladies out there who moan and groan so they can fake the big O, but the way the actual experts talk, being loud is a good thing ... heck, it seems like the one way to prevent having to fake it.
Ladies, if you're loud during sex because you're telling him what feels good and what doesn't, it doesn't make you a controlling, bossy you-know-what. It makes you a good lover and him an ever better one. And that's what's going to get you to orgasm, not lying there quiet as a churchmouse while he makes your nipples feel like tenderized hamburger.
Just think about it: men don't have the same anatomy, so of course they need feedback. Would you know how to give a good blow job if no guy ever told you "ouch, teeth, no" or the like? Exactly.
So scream it loud and scream it proud!
Spill: who's louder during sex in your house?