Fudgy Brownies with Cookie Butter Frosting
To lessen the cosmetics blow, I bought my husband some nice shirts…ya know, cause spending more money is the answer. “Yup, I got some makeup today, BUT I ALSO GOT A NICE POLO SHIRT AND A BUTTON UP SHIRT FOR YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!” That’s really how I said it too. Like say the first part quietly hoping it goes undetected and then talk 14 times louder for the part you want him to hear. I do it all the time.
“YOU’RE SO HOT…can you go weed the garden?”
“The store must have magically run out of Cocoa Puffs….I GOT GRAPENUTS!”
“I didn’t fold the laundry….BUT I DID UNLOAD PART OF THE DISHWASHER!”
“I MADE DINNER…we’re having leftovers.”
“Yes I had a 2 hour nap today but NOW I CAN STAY UP LATE WITH YOU AND WATCH MOVIES!”
Funny thing is it works like all the time. Maybe by now my husband loves me enough to put up with my crap. Or maybe his hearing is on the way out. Either way, I got some awesome makeup. Cha-ching!
No wait. I’ve figured it out. He KNOWS I’ll make him treats to make up for the fact that I do this to him all the time! That’s gotta be it.
There you have it, folks! The key to a happy marriage: brownies. Pretty sure brownies are always the answer. Especially these ones.
How can we get world peace? Brownies.
How can I get my daughter to sleep the night through? Brownies.
Who will clean out the car? Brownies.
Who will be the next president? Brownies.
This is my go-to brownie recipe that I pimped out with cookie butter frosting. That’s right. You heard me. COOKIE. BUTTER. FROSTING. Chewy, soft, thick, chocolaty brownies topped with creamy, heavenly goodness. And, they take no time at all to make! Perfect treats for a party or this weekend. Here’s how you make them:
Here’s the printable! Have a great weekend!
Fudgy Brownies with Cookie Butter Frosting
yield: 16 small squares
1/2 cup butter
3/4 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
3 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
1 cup granulated sugar
2 eggs
3/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup all purpose flour
for the cookie butter frosting-
3 tablespoons softened butter
3 tablespoons cookie butter {or peanut butter}
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon milk
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a glass 9×9 square pan with non stick cooking spray and set aside.
In a small pot, melt butter, chocolate chips and cocoa together over medium low heat, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and stir in sugar. Stir in eggs, 1 at a time and vanilla. Gently stir in all dry ingredients until just incorporated. Pour into prepared pan and bake 20-30 minutes or until just set. Mine was done right at 20 minutes, but my oven is also hotter than the sun. Set aside to cool.
For the frosting, stir butter, cookie butter, vanilla and powdered sugar together until a thick paste forms. Stir in milk carefully and then mix vigorously to smooth out any lumps. Spread over brownies, cut into bars and serve.
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