All of my life I have had long beautiful natural Nails, I took care of them and they just seem to Grow Grow Grow, even though I am rough on my nails. Then I decided I wanted the thick Acrylic Nails over My Nails for the added protection and because the polish or finish lasts forever, so I started getting them done. I have been getting my nails done for the past several years, about every 3 weeks and finally one day I decided No More Acrylics, Gels or Tips added over my nails, it was time to rest my nails. Well I have had a heck of a time getting them to grow back out naturally the way they used to be. So Now I am working at getting them back to the shape they were in before I went to the salons, and I'm finding it's a lot harder now than it used to be.
All of us will suffer form weak nails eventually. It’s important to know how to strengthen your weak nails so that they can grow back into their strong and healthy condition. Wanting great nails will come from receiving the right nutrition and taking care of them correctly. Follow these techniques so that you can obtain perfect,healthy beautiful nails.

1. Use Skin Cream
Using skin cream is a great way to improve your weak nails. You should be massaging this into your nails a couple of times a day. Do it after you've showered and before you go to bed. You should also consider applying it twice as often during the winter when the weather is much colder.
2. Nail Cover-Up’s
One of the best things that you can do for weak nails is going to protect them from further damage. If you are dealing with chemicals, detergent or you are doing a lot of activities outside you should always wear gloves. While you are washing dishes you’ll want to apply some cream and then put the protective gloves on afterwards. The heat is also going to help your skin absorb the cream and the gloves will protect them from drying out or tearing.
3. Use your Nails Correctly
Make sure that you are not using your nails as tools. Use the tools for that! If you are prone to splitting then you should avoid opening up any bottles with your nails.
4. Adopt Manicure Techniques
A great way to improve the strength in your weak nails is by using the right manicure techniques for them. First off you’re going to want to start with a quality file, not a cardboard one. Use a glass file instead and it’s going to seal the keratin into your nails. File them from the center and make sure that you file them the right way instead of filing in opposite directions.
5. Avoid too much Washing
Make sure that you are washing your hands very frequently so that you can strengthen your nails. Whenever you can you will want to avoid washing your hands too much. If the work that you do involves you washing your hands in water, make sure that you are using your gloves to protect both your nails and your hands.
6. Use Nail Hardener
There are many products out on the market today that claim that they can fix weak nails and strengthen them. Although some of them may work, not all of them do. When you are choosing your product you will want to avoid products that have the chemical formaldehyde. This is a damaging chemical which can actually dry your nails out even more and expose them to toxic chemicals. Make sure that the nail hardener you choose is free of this chemical so that you are improving your nails more than you are weakening them. If you follow these steps you’ll be amazed as to how quickly your nails improve health wise.
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