Thursday, August 8, 2013

DIY: Grow Green Onions in a Jar

Bet you didn't realize that you can grow these green onions right in a jar in your kitchen!!

Supposedly you just need at least 1/2 inch of root to grow and they should keep growing about 3-4 more times after you keep cutting them. I’m guessing sooner or later they’ll stop growing because they need more nutrients than the water can provide. But this is an AWESOME way to have plenty of green onions for a month and save money!

Mine just sat on the kitchen counter that doesn’t get any direct sunshine. Make sure you change the water every other day or so.

So there’s your way-too-easy-to-be-considered-a-project Burlap Bag project. Never throw away the ends of your green onions again!

My onions are GROWING!!

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