Instead of buying those washing machine cleaners at the store that last time I looked cost almost $10.00 for a box; Fill the washer with HOT water. Add 1 quart of chlorine bleach - no detergent – and
let the machine agitate for a minute, then let it sit for one hour. After one hour,
allow the washer to run through its longest wash and spin cycle. Immediately fill the
washer with HOT water again and add 1 quart distilled white vinegar. Let agitate for a
minute, and again, let it sit for one hour.
Using the bleach and vinegar will clean away bacteria, soap scum and mineral deposits
from the wash basket and hoses. This is especially important if you live in a hard
water area and should be done every three months. Every washer should be cleaned at
least twice per year. While it is soaking, dip a scrubber sponge in the vinegar water
and detail all the nooks and crannies of your washer, including the knobs, the lid and
the exterior. After an hour, run the longest wash and spin cycle again.
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