"Detoxifying Herbs and Herbal Combinations"
by Lisa Leger - Parksville Pharmasave
**The Essiac Formula** most well known herbal tea for cancer, recipe from the
Ojibwa Indians via a Canadian nurse an alterative for degenerative conditions
Note: Don't obsess over the formula or brewing technique. Don't rely
completely on this or any other remedy; the use of Essiac should be one part
of a combined effort to detoxify the body and restore healthy cellular
Dr. Kaur recommends that people with breast cancer take Essiac throughout the
year and alternate back and forth between the Hoxsey Formula and a Lymphatic
Formula. For prevention, she suggests using one of the three formulas each
year for 2-3 months as a cleanse.
Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) marked influence on degenerative tissues,
traditionally used for fevers, scurvy, and inflammation, the leaf tea is a
folk remedy for cancer (no modern studies have been done), the fresh roasted
leaves were used to poultice tumors and cysts because of its high oxalic acid
content, it should be avoided in kidney disease and arthritis
Burdock root (Arctium lappa) depurative (blood cleanser) and bitter
(stimulates bile flow) promotes detoxification of kidney, liver, and bladder,
stimulates digestion and promotes bile flow dissolves deposits, removes
lymphatic congestion, helps break down tumors, clears toxins, reduces
infection, inflammation, relieves swelling
Slippery elm bark (Ulmus rubra) soothing demulcent, emollient, nutritive, and
antitussive (cough supressant), used to treat inflamed mucous membranes like
ulcers, or colitis traditionally used as a poultice to treat hard tumors and
Turkey rhubarb root (Rheum palmatum) laxative and purgative, helpful in
treating constipation, promotes intestinal cleansing, used in China to treat
high fevers avoid if suffering from arthritis, kidney disease of urinary
problems and during pregnancy
**Liver Tonics**
Any herbal manufacturer will have a liver tonic formula including such herbs
as: Dandelion, Burdock, Nettles, Red clover, Barberry, Burdock, Artichoke,
Sarsaparilla, Yellow dock, Milk thistle. Generally the herbs are bitters,
alteratives, and choleretics. They work by cleansing the blood and liver to
aid detoxification. It is a perfect spring tonic for everyone.
**Lymphatic Cleansers**
Marigold flower (calendula oficinalis) supports liver, heart, uterus, skin,
veins, lymphatic system and blood, clears toxins, reduces infection and
inflammation, relieves swelling, removes lymph congestion, reducing tumors,
cysts and cancer of the reproductive organs, breasts and intestines,
stimulates digestion and reduces liver congestion
Goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis), stimulates immunity, helpful in
bacterial, fungal, amoebic, and parasitic infections, reduces tumors of
reproductive organs, breasts, and stomach should not be used for more than
three weeks at a time
Cleavers (Galium aparine), promotes detoxification, dissolves deposits,
removes lymph congestion , reduces tumors and liver congestion, dissolves
clots, specific action on tumors of the skin, lymph, and breasts never boil
the herb, use freeze-dried or tincture form.
Echinacea root (Echinacea augustifolia) reduces infection and inflammation,
stimulates immunity, promotes detoxification, removes lymph congestion,
reduces tumors, increases interferon, promotes tissue repair
**The Hoxsey Formula**
a blood and liver alterative (cleanser), activates the cleansing functions of
the liver antiseptic, anti-tumor, and antioxidant activity, helps to alter
catabolic tissues and replace diseased tissue with healthy tissue, enhances
metabolic functions and promote drainage and elimination, used to break down
and remove metabolic wastes from the body used for lymphatic congestion,
tumors, cancer, glandular blockages
Red clover blossoms (Trifolium pratense) blood cleanser used to treat skin
Buckthorn bark (Rhamnus cathartica) stimulant and cathartic, used as a
laxative and bitter tonic for digestive problems
Barberry root bark (Berberis vulgaris) corrects liver function, promotes bile
flow, treats gall bladder inflammation and stones, used to reduce enlarged
spleen from congested liver and cleanses eliminative system
Burdock root (Artium lappa) stimulates bile flow and aids liver function
Stillingia root (Stillingia sylvatica) alterative (cleanser), acts on
lymphatic and secretory systems
Poke root (Phytolacca americana) cleanses the lymphatic glands, used to treat
mastitis Caution: large doses are emetic and purgative (causes vomiting)
Cascara sagrada bark (Rhamnus purshiana) laxative, treats constipation,
promotes peristalsis, tones digestive muscles
Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) anti-hepatotoxic, treats hepatitis and
cirrhosis, expectorant and anitinflammatory, used in cough and bronchitis
Prickly ash bark (Xanthoxylum clava-herculis) stimulates the circulation,
lymphatic system, and mucous membranes, treats ulcers and skin diseases
Naturopathic Handbook of Herbal Formulas, Herbal Research Publications, 1995.
Historical Perspectives: Essiac, Canadian Journal of Herbalism, 1991.
Handouts produced by Sat Dharam Kaur, N.D., for The Healthy Breast Class,
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