Monday, February 11, 2013

Real Homemade Chai Tea

Besides being absolutely delicious, Chai is also a multi-tasker! The Ginger helps to increase circulation and aid in digestion (great for nausea) as well as being detoxifying. Cloves can help relieve stomach or tooth pain and strengthen the immune system, killing intestinal parasites. Cardamom helps relieve gas and can be soothing for bronchial problems. Black Peppercorns has antibacterial properties. Cinnamon also aids digestion when stagnant and can be great for indigestion and cramping (Nursing Mothers be careful of cinnamon as it can be the culprit for acid reflux in little ones). It is also can help fight fungal, bacterial, and parasitic infections.

Commercial Chai concentrates can contain a lot of sugar, some preservatives, and additives. Creating your own can be easy and so much more beneficial for you. Plus it's super easy and you can tinker the recipe however you like!

5-6 slices of fresh ginger
3 Cinnamon sticks
16 pods of cardamom, popped
12-20 black peppercorns (more peppercorns = more spicy)
14 Cloves
1 tbspn looseleaf black tea or 2 black tea bags (or green tea or roiboos tea for no caffeine)
8 cups water

Milk (or Dairy-free milk)

1. In saucepan, boil water with all ingredients except black tea then simmer for 15-30 minutes, depending on strength desired.
2. Take off stove and steep black tea for 3-5 minutes.
3. Drain through fine-mesh seive. Enjoy! Add milk and honey to taste.

VOILA! You have now created your very own delicious chai! Enjoy it's delicious spicy depths!

Some very fun ingredients to add can be allspices berries, star anise, rose petals, white or pink peppercorns, fennel, licorice root, and nutmeg. You have full creative license to create your own blend of scrumptious chai.

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