Thursday, February 28, 2013

DIY Lavender and Rose Deodorant

DIY Lavender and Rose Deodorant

Body Oder can be a “TOUCHY” subject. Well I guess it all depends on who your talking to.
I have struggled with excessive Underarm Sweating. Well, wait a minute…. Maybe the word Excessive is a bit much, let’s just say I Sweat a little more than normal. That sounds much nicer, doesn’t it?
I have tried ALL major and non major brands of,  Natural and Organic deodorants. All in the hopes of getting off the TOXIC and Unhealthy commercial brands that have aluminum in them. Finding nothing that worked always lead me back to wearing the only thing that did work and that being, Dove’s Roll on Deodorant.
Absolutely, Frustrated and Fully given up. I figured this was just one product that I was not going to be able to change to an All natural Organic one.
That is until NOW!!!
Before I shared it, I really wanted to make sure that it worked and held up to my, “Little More than Sweating” self. We have been experiencing some VERY high heat temps and this was certainly going to prove this Deodorants worth. And I have to say that it did just that. I am truly amazed at how well it works and how wonderfully moisturizing it is.
I found the recipe here
Here is what you will need.
3Tbs. Coconut Oil,  3Tbs. Baking Soda,  2Tbs. Shea Butter,  2Tbs. Arrowroot and Essential Oils (optional)
Mix your dry ingredients
Using as glass jar melt your Shea Butter and Coconut Oil ( coconut oil liquifies in warm weather so I didn’t need to melt it ) I put my glass jar in a small pot of water and slowly melted it over the stove
Add your essential oils in and mix.  Pour in your dry ingredients.
And, stir until well blended.
As your freshly made deodorant sits it will firm up. It does not need to be Refrigerated and can be stored in your bathroom. For application I just put a little bit on my fingers and rub in as I would a lotion.
I used Lavender and Rose essential oils and it smells LOVELY!!!
If you’ve been looking for or have been wanting to try an all Natural Organic deodorant, you should give this one a try.

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